Destiny 2s Dawning Event Adds Community Goal To All That Cookie Baking

Destiny 2’s Dawning Event Adds Community Goal To All That Cookie Baking

The Dawning returns to Destiny 2 next Tuesday, and this time there will be a community goal to fill the tower with Christmas Spirit.

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Yesterday’s trailer treated us to many of the new goodies that will be coming in The Dawning, Destiny 2’s annual holiday event, but now Bungie’s website has been updated with even more details, and it looks like there’s a community goal to go along with this year’s festivities.

Eva returns with her usual assortment of baked goods, so we’re certainly going to be baking cookies once again this year. On top of that, there’s going to be a community goal of accumulating Dawning Spirit by “completing missions, bounties, and recipes.” There will be both personal and community goals, and if everyone contributes enough Dawning Spirit, Eva will have some extra goodies underneath that giant tree in the Tower.

So far, Bungie has only said there will be upgrade materials in those gifts, but there could be more.

For example, there’s a new weapon to grind for. Glacioclasm is a Legendary Fusion Rifle with all random rolls so each one is unique to the player that grabs it. If this year’s event is like last year’s, we’ll have a chance to get Glacioclasm in the gifts given to us from random NPCs or Eva.

There’s also a brand new Exotic ship that will be part of this year’s Dawning event, and it’ll come with an interesting twist. You’ll be able to customize the ship’s engine streams along with adding different spawn effects, and also unlock a new animated shader as the Dawning event goes on. There are three engine streams to choose from, and both the spawn and animated shader will be unique to the ship.

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On top of everything else, there are three new Ghost Shells to grab, with one covered in Christmas lights, one decked out like an elf, and one that seems to double as a candelabra. All will be available for Bright Dust along with the new festive armor ornaments.

The Dawning goes from December 15 to January 5 and is free to all Destiny 2 players.

Source: Bungie

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