Doctor Doom Just Became An Even Worse Villain

Doctor Doom Just Became An Even Worse Villain

Throughout the ten issues of his solo title, Doctor Doom has tried to become a better person, but now in his last issue, he’s even worse than ever!

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Doctor Doom Just Became An Even Worse Villain

Spoilers for Doctor Doom #10 ahead!

Recent issues of Doctor Doom have seen the villain take on a more heroic role, but now in the series’ last issue, Doom is back to his villainous ways and somehow, is even worse than before. The issue, written by Christopher Cantwell, with art by Salvador Larroca, is in stores now.

Throughout Doctor Doom’s 10 issues, readers got to see a side of Doom they had never before experienced. After accidentally causing a black hole to open near the Earth, Doom set out to correct his mistake. His plan was to close the black hole and then turn himself over to a world court to answer for his past crimes. He went so far as to appoint someone else to rule Latveria while he is gone – a big deal for an egomaniac like Doom. All was well and Doom was set to change his ways – until Reed Richards called. Originally calling on Doom to congratulate him on his plan and wish him luck, Doom perceived it as trolling on Reed’s part and began changing his plan’s equations until it completely broke down, making a bad situation even worse

Doom awakens to find himself in an alternate reality where he is not disfigured and is the benevolent ruler of his Earth. The alternate Earth Doom shows our Doom around his facility, including a cache of legendary weapons such as the Cosmic Cube and the Ulitmate Nullifier. Doom becomes enraged when his doppelganger tells him how ridiculous he is in his armor; Doom retaliates by blasting his head off, grabbing the Ultimate Nullifier, and annihilating that universe, calling it a “hoax of an existence.” He spares the life of The Blue Marvel, calling it the last act of mercy he will ever perform. Once again on the throne of Latveria, Doom orders a dissident journalist executed; Kang the Conqueror notes that Doom is in “good spirits,” to which Doom replies there was never any good in him.

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After ten issues of watching Doom attempt to grow as a person, this ending is downright depressing. Throughout the book’s run, the prospect of a newer and better Doctor Doom was a tantalizing one, but his ego kept sabotaging him at every turn. He eventually returns to his villainous ways in a grand fashion – by eliminating a whole universe. Not only did Doom not see the error of his ways, but he has also doubled down even more than before.

Doctor Doom was a highlight of Marvel’s 2020 output. The book showed new layers to the character and provided him with a fascinating story arc. Watching Doctor Doom almost become a hero but then back off proves he is still one of the most compelling characters at Marvel and one of the best villains in general.

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