Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Doctor Who: 10 Characters From The Russell T. Davies Era That Should Return

Russell T. Davies is returning to Doctor Who which means perhaps some of his characters will be making the trip back with him. But who?

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Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Doctor Who is in an interesting period of transition as the current Doctor says her farewells and the BBC lines up a brand new showrunner to take the series in a different direction. Except that showrunner is rather familiar to fans, as Russell T. Davies is returning to helm the sci-fi show.

The writer is an expert in all things Whovian and will surely be bringing back some of his beloved characters. But which companions will be making the trip alongside Davies, as the Doctor encounters familiar faces once more? There are definitely some exciting choices the show could make in regards to the characters featured in the coming installments.

10 Donna Noble

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

The Doctor and Donna Noble were an incredible comedic duo that faced some mighty threats alongside one another. The chemistry between the pair was almost unmatched, with Donna usually rising to the occasion in some of the most unexpected ways.

Fans would love to see what kind of dynamic Donna would have with a different Doctor. The last time audiences had seen her, her memory had been wiped. It would be interesting to see what the impact of that decision really is and whether the hyper-intelligent Doctor Donna could make some kind of comeback as well.

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9 Martha Jones

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Martha Jones is often considered to be one of the Doctor’s best companions. Trained in the medical field, Martha brings more than just her incredible skills to the table. She’s quick-witted and perhaps one of the characters with the most experience in the field.

Indeed, even after she left the Doctor, Martha continued on with the work, battling against alien threats. The character’s journey doesn’t feel complete though as it would be a compelling narrative to have a veteran Martha try to guide a new Doctor through their own adventures.

8 Alonso Frame

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Alonso Frame was previously a midshipman on the spaceship known as the Titanic. He quickly bonded with the Doctor with the two becoming firm friends. He would actually make a reappearance alongside Captain Jack Harkness later in the series.

The character proved that he wasn’t just a disposable side role as is often the case in Doctor Who. Alonso is more than capable of getting up to some of his own adventures and they could once more crossover with the Doctor. Alonso is a great reminder of how average people can get impacted by the Time Lord.

7 Harriet Jones

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Harriet Jones was a capable politician when she first met the Doctor. Upon each meeting, though, she became more and more senior, eventually becoming the Prime Minister of the UK. She often differed from the Time Lord politically, though.

Regardless, Harriet was a hero, eventually sacrificing her life to the Daleks. With time travel at play though there’s no reason Harriet Jones couldn’t return in some capacity, showing audiences exactly why she was such a fearless leader.

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6 Wilfred Mott

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

The Doctor has had some great companions in her time and Donna was certainly one of them. But along with Donna came her whole family, all of whom brought something different to the table. Wilfred was amongst the best of them though.

He completely believed in everything the Doctor was doing and was there during the final moments of one of his regenerations. Although a great deal of time has passed, Wilfred is probably still star-gazing, and it would be touching to see the two reunited once more.

5 Parallel Earth Doctor

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

The Doctor once created a second version of himself that was half-human. He sent this iteration to a parallel Earth to live alongside Rose Tyler. Of course, while Rose returned in some capacity already, the Doctor from this dimension never did.

This version of the character had the same intelligence and charisma but also a burning fire of anger and pain within him. He’d make for an interesting companion for a new Doctor; the time lord of the past working alongside the one of the present.

4 Lady Christina De Souza

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Lady Christina De Souza was partnered with the Doctor for a very short amount of time but the thief and adventurer would have made an excellent companion. It always felt like there was more for the character to offer before she was removed from the narrative.

With Russell T. Davies returning to the show though it might finally be time to pair up Christina and the Doctor once more. She is perhaps a lot brasher than the Time Lord usually is, but this dynamic creates an intriguing paradox between the two.

3 Verity Newman

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Verity Newman is a writer who created a biography about her late ancestor who supposedly fell in love with a man from the stars. That man happened to be the Doctor who returned to visit Newman and acknowledge that everything she had written was true.

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It’s a story with a lot of heart, but Verity never got to have an adventure for herself amongst the stars. The character deserves her own development as well and that book needs a sequel! Newman might even be the perfect companion for the next Doctor; a mind completely open to the possibilities of the universe.

2 Luke Smith

Doctor Who 10 Characters From The Russell T Davies Era That Should Return

Luke Smith is the son of Sarah Jane Smith, one of the greatest allies the Doctor has ever had. Although he starred in his own CBBC spin-off adventure, Smith also featured in episodes of Doctor Who. Luke was incredibly intelligent, with his mind working like a computer.

Alongside his friends and Mr. Smith Luke helped to save the world countless times over. Now that he is a lot older he might be a keen companion for the Doctor so that he can continue his work in alien investigations alongside the expert.

1 Jenny

Jenny, also known as the Doctor’s daughter, is in facta relative to the Time Lord in a complicated way. The character supposedly died the last time fans saw her, however, she was revived likely through her regenerative abilities and went off into space on her own adventures.

No one has seen the character since but there’s a huge plot thread left hanging there considering the narrative potential for the character to return. Out of everyone who could make a comeback with Davies’s re-run at being showrunner, Jenny is perhaps the most anticipated because of her connection to the Doctor.

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