Father of Child in Balcony Video Was Playing Pokemon GO

Father of Child in Balcony Video Was Playing Pokemon GO

According to a news report by CNN, the father of the child who almost fell off a balcony in Paris, France earlier this week was out playing Pokemon GO.

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Category : Pokemon

Earlier this week, a video went viral of 22 year old Malian migrant Mamoudou Gassama saving a young child who was dangling from a balcony in Paris, France. Gassama has been dubbed “Spider-Man” for how he scaled the building and managed to pull the child to safety. Gassama’s heroic effort has seen him not only compared to a comicbook superhero, but also offered French citizenship and a job with the Paris fire brigade. There’s no doubt that Gassama saved the four year old’s life, but many have been wondering how exactly the child ended up in a situation like that in the first place. And surprisingly, it has something to do with Pokemon GO.

According to French prosecutor Francois Molins, the boy’s father left him home while he went out shopping. Instead of returning home immediately afterwards, though, the father started playing Pokemon GO. It was during this time that the child ended up dangling from the balcony, and now the father is facing up to two years in prison for neglecting his child.

Here is the viral video of Gassama scaling the building in Paris, France to save the life of the four year old child:

It’s been awhile since we saw a Pokemon GO “in the real world” story, but bizarre stories like this were frequent at the peak of the game’s popularity. Thanks to Gassama, the four year old in the video survived despite his father neglecting him to go out shopping and play Pokemon GO, but some other people weren’t as lucky. In fact, there have been multiple deaths due to people being distracted by the mobile game, including a woman in Japan who was hit by a driver playing Pokemon GO.

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As for more recent strange Pokemon GO stories, a couple of months ago, players were attacked by someone named Stephen Jolly, who was armed with a tire iron. Apparently, Jolly was angry at the Pokemon GO players for taking back a gym he had just captured himself.

While Pokemon GO hasn’t made national news headlines for some time, it looks like this latest incident is going to earn the game plenty of negative attention. It will be interesting to see if Niantic releases any statement on the matter or not.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Source: CNN

See more : PokemonWe

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