First Trailer for M Night Shyamalans Devil

First Trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Devil’

Watch the first trailer for Devil, the new film ‘from the mind’ of M. Night Shyamalan – but directed by Drew and John Erick Dowdle.

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First Trailer for M Night Shyamalans Devil

M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender may very well be the worst movie of his career, but that doesn’t mean the guy can’t still come up with an interesting original story.

Take Universal’s Devil for example. The film, which is based on a Shyamalan story, revolves around a group of five individuals who are trapped in a skyscraper elevator. The twist? One of them is the Devil. If you think that sounds interesting, just wait until you see the first trailer.

Offering a mix of psychological and supernatural horror, the Devil trailer hints at a movie that is suspenseful – and will keep audiences guessing.

Of course, no matter how good the movie looks, some people may not give it a chance – simply because they have been disappointed by Shyamalan’s more-recent films. Luckily for those people, Shyamalan isn’t directing.

Check out the first trailer for Devil produced by M. Night Shyamalan:

Devil is the first of three horror movies Shyamalan is producing as part of his The Night Chronicles series. The essential development process of The Night Chronicles goes something like this: Shyamalan comes up with an idea and then passes it off to a young emerging filmmaker.

This round, the job of actually directing Devil, falls to the hands of the brother team of Drew and John Erick Dowdle. The Dowdle brothers have already proven their horror movie chops (somewhat) as the writers of Quarantine (John Erick also directed the film). While that movie was essentially a shot for shot remake of Rec, the superior Spanish-language original, it still demonstrated the pair’s ability to create a consistently frightening and atmospheric horror-thriller.

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Hopefully, they will deliver the same quality work on Devil and live up to the early promise shown in this trailer. If not, well, I guess we’ll just have to wait for Shyamalan’s redemption in The Last Airbender 2. Just kidding!

Devil opens on September 17th 2010

Source: Trailer Addict

Rob Frappier is a Chicago-based writer and marketing professional. He has been writing for Screen Rant since the summer of 2009. When he’s not scrounging for back issues of ‘Legends of the Dark Knight’ or re-watching Die Hard for the 7,128th time, he loves spending time with his wife, Nicole, his daughter, Zoe, and their loyal dog, Astro.

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