Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Get Hyped: 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

From Software’s last Dark Souls game came out in 2016, and the rumor mill for Dark Souls 4 is already spinning.

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Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

A medieval fantasy romp that includes insane difficulty and undead inhabitants, it sounds like something every gamer should sign up for! The innovative Demon Souls began the story with one of the worst fogs known to man. If you think not being able to see the road is the only hindrance a mist can bring, this game makes that the least of your worries. Hidetaka Miyazaki saw the success of this entry and wanted to spread the love to other consoles, but Demon’s Souls was a PlayStation exclusive.

He then created the spiritual successor to the first game with the Dark Souls series. There are a couple of things that can be said about these games, they are probably some of the most challenging titles gamers can dedicate their time to, and they don’t spell everything out. Clues about the main plot that revolves around a curse of the undead on the Medieval European Kingdom are not always revealed in cutscenes. In-game items, notes, and plot points are the only resource gamers have to put the pieces together. It rewards determination, intelligence, and masochism. The boss battles are insane and not for the faint of heart. However, the challenge and the unique story are enough to capture the imaginations of gamers.

The third Dark Souls hit shelves in 2016, and even though the contents of the storyline that told the story of The Ashen One attempting the ritual to save the Kingdom of Lothric from the curse of the undead seemed to complete the story; many fans still want another installment of this series. With Miyazaki’s recent comments creating a glimmer of hope for fans that the universe is not over, here are 15 rumors about a possible Dark Souls 4.

15 Graphics That Make You Shake In Your Boots

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

We are hitting an era where video games can be experienced in virtual or augmented reality. The quality of graphics in games look a far cry different over the course of a console’s lifetime. Because of this, video game sequels will likely look even more polished than when the PlayStation 4 first hit shelves. This relates to a rumor about what the Dark Souls 4 graphics could look like. One site has said that because the Dark Souls 3 game was incredibly detailed in their graphics, it can only be expected that DS4 will take place in another setting and encompass graphics that are sure to scare even the bravest gamer. This means, if you like seeing those bony skeletons up close in all their creepy detail, DS4 should have you covered.

14 2020 Release?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Okay, so we know that if you are a DS fan, you need something to hold onto until the next installment hopefully releases. The challenge is figuring out when the next game could make its way to physical and digital stores. Since DS3 came out in 2016 and DS2 was released in 2014, then it would make sense for a DS4 entry to be planned for 2019. However, there are some rumblings that it could be later because of new technology advances. Rumors are swirling that DS4 will have a March 2020 release. This is because some have heard new gaming consoles (and cloud computing) are coming down the pike and that the studio that makes these games may wait until these new advancements have been made. Also, previous installments have had a March release.

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13 A Direct Sequel?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Since the studio said they were working on three new games this year, there was some speculation that DS4 would be a direct sequel to the events of DS3. Most of the games deal with the same theme of fighting the undead and bringing balance back to the Kingdom of Lothric, but all seem to focus on a different aspect of this without revisiting the same plot. Some fans are speculating that DS4 could expand on the events that occur in DS3. The only problem is that fans on the other side of this argument feel that the story that was told in DS3 has a finality to it that DS4 could not adequately revisit. One thing is for sure, whenever money is involved, studios can make a story out of anything.

12 A Turn To The Switch?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Since the Nintendo Switch made its way to the masses, many have speculated about mainstream games that would be redesigned for the game system. Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls is one of the first major games to do this, and it is not an understatement to say that fans were beyond excited about the game’s inclusion. Well, someone involved with the DS franchise has some Twitter trigger fingers because an ill-timed Tweet got gamers all excited for nothing. There was a deleted tweet that confirmed The Dark Souls franchise would be remastered for the Switch. The person realized their mistake and made sure to have the tweet removed. However, there is a possibility the plan is still going forward, and the studio wanted to surprise gamers later. Could a DS4 be included in that lineup as well?

11 If It Ain’t Broke

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

The games in the DS series are known for being notoriously difficult games to beat. The boss battles are long, and the combat is difficult and painful. However, many feel that the game will not change up the formula at all and will keep many of the elements that have made it famous. DS3 did try to help players out a bit by making some of the more difficult boss battles optional so players can customize their own experience. However, some feel these problematic battles add fun to the game, while others think it could take away the experience and not leave enough time for learning more about the characters and the story. Either way, if there is still an audience for this game, the studios will probably keep it the way it has always been.

10 Listen To The Players

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

While studios cannot always do this because of time and monetary constraints, whenever possible, it is always a great idea to listen to the gamers. If there are ways to incorporate positive changes that better the franchise, developers should jump on it. Regarding DS, many players were not impressed with the PvP portion of the game. It was mired in connection issues and was not the best experience that it should have been for a DS game. Some feel that From Software would take these criticisms and create a more efficient and streamlined process for PvP. Could the developers have heard the cry of players and create a better experience that allows players to better face off against each other one on one?

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9 A Better Way To Travel

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

One of the most annoying parts of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the amount of on-foot traveling that has to occur before people can travel using shrines. The games in the DS series seem to have the same issue. Moving around DS4 is also another element that makes it crazily tricky. There is a difference between difficulty that is bred by utilizing the skill in battle and then having a poorly designed in-game transportation system. Eventually, travel should become more comfortable to make way for more interesting elements. Some fans suspect that DS4 could answer this by creating mounts for easier navigation. This could also create more of an open world feel where exploration is encouraged, and more is revealed about the storyline.

8 An Epic Crossover?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Bloodborne and Dark Souls are similarly styled games that are in the same boat as far as fans waiting in anticipation for a sequel. Some feel this situation is ripe for a crossover between the two games. Bloodborne is regarded as a game that took a familiar setting and tried to improve on some of the elements Dark Souls may have missed for fans. Since the same person created both, some are clamoring for a crossover. One of the ways they could do this justice is by creating a combat game between Bloodborne and Dark Souls characters. While not ideal, it would be one of the most direct ways for characters of the series to cross paths. Again, this is where the studios should listen to the fans.

7 Goodbye To Medieval Times?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

There is something about medieval fantasy stories. It isn’t a secret that half the world’s population is obsessed with Game of Thrones, so clearly there is an affinity for it. However, creators may feel it is time to move on to another direction of fantasy horror. In an interview with game director Hideataka Miyazaki, he confirmed that DS3 might not be the last game and that it could take place in another setting. There could even be a historic Japanese style on the table. Imagine taking on zombies in ancient Japan. Hmm, we like the sound of that already. It is important for creators to realize when it is time to move on, and for the DS franchise, it could be now.

6 Dial Down The Difficulty?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

There could be a push to attract casual gamers even though it is likely true that DS4 would not stray that far regarding gaming mechanics and gameplay. DS3 allowed players to opt out of the most challenging bosses. It also had the most uncomplicated and straightforward mechanics in the series. Could DS4 push that even further? It is a tricky position to be in because the difficulty and challenging bosses have made the game popular with many. So, changing up this aspect of DS could make people feel like the game is straying away from what made hardcore fans play it in the first place. No one said creating a video game is easy, there are a lot of people to please.

5 Give The Player The Control

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Gamers were also not happy with a lack of emphasis on creating armor sets and being able to mix and match items and armor to maximize item progression and set up bonuses. This is something that was experimented with, but developers did not go as far as Elder Scrolls. Could DS4 better address this? It seems that DS can be a linear experience, and many games are experiencing sandbox style experiences. Even The Legend of Zelda, a franchise known for linear gaming, allowed players to engage in a lot more side missions and journeys that did not connect with the primary purpose of the game. DS could benefit from having a more open world environment, especially with the type of subject matter it tackles.

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4 A Spiritual Sequel?

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Dark Souls was the spiritual sequel to Demon’s Souls. The pairing of the two worked out nicely, and the experience of Demon’s Souls gave gamers something to look forward to when DS was announced. Spiritual sequels give creators a method of creating an entirely new story that occurs in the same universe. There are things they can take liberties within a spiritual sequel (or prequel) that are harder to do in a direct sequel situation. Therefore, could DS4 instead serve as a successor to the series and kick off a new storyline under another name? Considering the franchise’s history, it could. As we have seen with other entertainment mediums like Marvel, creating a universe can yield dividends when it comes to fan commitment. From Software might be mulling this possibility over more than we think.

3 A Chance To Right The Wrong

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

While developers created a solid game in DS3, the game also had a lot of issues with it. Another one that got a lot of fans in their feelings was the user interface system. It was clunky and incredibly challenging to navigate. From Software seems to have a knack for listening to the fans, so DS4 would give them the opportunity to right this wrong and make in-game navigation systems easier to get through. There is nothing more annoying than trying to find a weapon or create a potion in the middle of a dangerous situation only to be thwarted by an in-game user interface system that is not user-friendly. Creators may want to give the franchise another go to fix some of these issues and go out with a bang.

2 A New Adventure

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Barring the upcoming DLC, DS3 seemed to come to a conclusion regarding the Ashes of Ariandel and other problems that have plagued the Kingdom of Lothric. Therefore, it is likely DS4 could kick-start a new story or take an obscure detail from the past games to start an original story for the second leg in the franchise. No stone is left unturned when it comes to video games. There could be an NPC with an excellent backstory that could be explored in detail for a new storyline. According to Miyazaki, the current storyline of DS will likely be left behind, but it does not mean that specific plot details in the same universe could not be explored. It looks like there still might be a lot to talk about in the kingdoms of DS.

1 A Story Before THE Story

Get Hyped 15 Dark Souls 4 Rumors That Will Blow You Away

Even though DS4 was not revealed at E3 2017, many saw the teaser trailer for the studio and thought it could be touting a prequel story for the franchise. If you cannot create a new adventure like the previous entry suggests, then it might be possible to go back and establish a prequel that could have occurred after Demon’s Souls but before Dark Souls. Some reports suggest the story could deal with prequel elements that point to a loosely connected story. While it would not DS4, it would still be the fourth game in the series and would address story elements still in the same universe. So, even though nothing is concrete right now, fans may still have something to look forward to in this franchise.

Chanell Turner is a content creator and digital marketing strategist with a love for all things gaming. She writes about topics ranging from art to business. On her downtime, she enjoys watching the latest video game walkthrough or planning to attend the next comic convention.

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