God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

God Of War: 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers, Brok And Sindri

God of War fans are probably familiar with Brok and Sindri, but there are a few things about them that you might not know!

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God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

With the release of God of War in 2018, both Sony Santa Monica and the franchise itself experienced a refreshing new start that brought the series into the modern age of video game storytelling.

Not only did Kratos become a fully fleshed-out character, but the world around him now included wonderful secondary characters. Very few were as intermediately loved as the dwarven blacksmith brothers Brok and Sindri. Let’s look at 10 facts about Brok and Sindri, the arguing but helpful brothers from God of War.

10 Opposites

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

Often when parents have multiple children they tend to see those kids grow up with completely different interests and personalities. With Brok and Sindri they really couldn’t be any more opposite from one another.

Brok is a gruff and rude fellow who’s simply looking for work. He never really questions his own moral beliefs. Sindri, on the other hand, is a polite and cautious man who simply wants to help people. Together they are the perfect odd couple and it’s largely the reason players fell in love with them.

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9 They Knew All Along

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

As players navigate through 2018’s God of War, they’re right alongside Kratos in trying to uncover the mystery of the world around them. It seems that plenty of people knew who Faye was, and her son and husband were the last ones to find out.

Both Brok and Sindri seem to have known her true identity and what’s happening throughout the realms. It never seems as if they’re purposefully holding back information, they’re always willing to share what they know when a subject’s brought up.

8 Sindri Hates Germs

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

As previously mentioned Sindri is the more delicate of the two brothers. He hates germs and it’s mostly due to him learning about bacteria and how it can grow and spread sickness. It’s entirely the reason why, at a certain point, he decided that all of his creations would have handles made of oak.

Oak is not a breeding ground for germs and bacteria which sounds like heaven to Sindri. He also happens to be squeamish for a guy who creates weapons of death and destruction.

7 Prior History With Mimir

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

During the game there’s a part where Atreus tries to introduce Mimir to Brok, both of them comment that they’ve already met.

Before Kratos cuts them off with a more pressing matter the dialogue makes it seem as though their initial introduction didn’t end on the best of terms and they don’t really like one another. Considering Mimir is a bit of a comedian and Brok is a rude grump it’s likely something was said or done and resulted in one of them becoming offended or angry.

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6 Branding

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

Before the events of the game unfolded Brok and Sindri used to work hand-in-hand with one another and would mark all of their creations with a family brand or crest of sorts. After they get upset and go their separate ways they physically split the brand in two and each takes half as their branding.

Later in the story, Kratos and Atreus can convince the brothers to work together once again, and with this reunion, both Brok and Sindri create a new brand for them to share.

5 The Huldra Brothers

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

Though both of the brothers are dwarves they’re often referred to as the Huldra Brothers. Huldra are a species of forest type creatures and are often thought of as female, so the correlation doesn’t make sense.

Atreus asks about the name to Mimir, but he replies by saying the story behind how they got it isn’t suitable for kids to hear. Many believe it’s simply an oxymoron of a name, while others believe the two of them had a run-in with Huldra and it was an interesting encounter.

4 Brok’s Blue Skin

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

The weirdest thing about Brok and Sindri isn’t that they’re different heights, or that their personalities are opposites of one another. The really weird thing is that Brok has blue skin, whereas Sindri sports naturally looking pinkish-tan skin.

According to Sindri, Brok’s skin has turned blue due to exposing himself to silver metals as he worked with the material for years using his bare hands. Considering how hardheaded Brok is, Sindri probably warned him to no avail.

3 They Crafted Thor’s Hammer

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

Early on Kratos learns that the dwarven blacksmith brothers known as Brok and Sindri crafted his Leviathan Axe. The powerful tool Kratos uses to vanquish anyone in his path isn’t the first, or even most powerful creation, of the brothers.

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Regretfully they admit that they hold guilt because their greatest creation is the hammer of Thor, Mjolnir. They helped craft the legendary Norse weapon and played a part in Thor’s killing of innocent people. Despite the guilt, they still call it their greatest creation ever.

2 Sindri & Faye

God Of War 10 Facts About The Dwarven Brothers Brok And Sindri

As Kratos learns more and more about his late wife, Faye, from Sindri, it’s also communicated subtly that there was more to their relationship with one another. From Sindri’s perspective, it seems as though the blacksmith had a crush on her and adored her for everything she was.

He discusses Faye in a positive light at all times and though he never projects jealousy towards Kratos, there is some non-verbal jealousy that’s hinted at. Poor Sindri never stood a chance if Kratos was her type all along.

1 Their Guilt Consumes Them

Imagine crafting a weapon so powerful and magnificent that, in the hands of a powerful soul, can dictate history in a world of gods. That’s exactly what Brok and Sindri have had to deal with ever since creating Mjolnir for Odin’s son, Thor.

They’re partially responsible for helping him murder countless numbers of innocent people during his tirades and outbursts. It’s something that eats away at both of their conscience and Kratos eventually clash with Thor using the Leviathan Axe they made could set their minds at ease.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/god-war-facts-brok-sindri/

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