Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Harry Potter: Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married? – The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

The lives of the Hogwarts teachers aren’t explored in depth in the Harry Potter series, but some details about their romances have since been revealed

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Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Although Harry, Hermione, and Ron are deemed the heroes of the Harry Potter franchise, there is one set of characters that go underappreciated – The professors of Hogwarts. For the seven years Harry and his friends were at Hogwarts, these were the people who pledged their lives to protect them. The ones who comforted them when they were scared and ensured the students they were heard and listened to.

It is a shame that the readers (and viewers) never got to see more of the staff dynamics. It would have been interesting to learn more about them personally and if they had a social life outside of teaching. The only thing most people know is the professors’ relationship statuses – and some may shock you.

10 Professor Horace Slughorn

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Although Horace Slughorn wasn’t exactly a favorite character, fans couldn’t help but admire the Professor for finally standing up against Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. The Potions’ teacher was also seen to fight bravely in the battle, helping to recruit several students and residents to help defend the school.

But did he ever find love? No. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Slughorn continued teaching for several years before he permanently retired in 2016. As far as everyone knows, he has never been married and remained single.

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9 Professor Neville Longbottom

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville Longbottom was seen to have a bright future. After a brief tenure in his role as an Auror, Neville eventually went on to became Hogwarts’ professor of Herbology. Sometime before 2014, it was also revealed that Neville married Hannah Abbott – who was a member of Dumbledore’s Army and Hufflepuff Prefect.

After Hannah became the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron, the couple eventually lived in the parlor above the pub. Hannah also went on to train as a healer and applied for the Matron job as Hogwarts. They have no children as of yet.

8 Professor Alastor Moody

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Fans were sad to discover the former Dark Arts’ professor lost his life in the Battle of the Seven Potters as Voldemort murdered him with “Killing Curse.” Even though he had a rough start, fans came to admire and respect the Auror as he dedicated his life to protecting others. But what about his love life?

Although Rowling hasn’t delved into it much, most fans have assumed that Alastor was married to the job and didn’t have time to have a romance. It is not known if he had any children either.

7 Professor Remus Lupin

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Out of all the professors at Hogwarts, the one teacher whose love life isn’t a secret is Remus Lupin. As many people know, Lupin was married to Nymphadora Tonks, who was a half-blood witch and Metamorphagus. She and Lupin first met after the Order of the Phoenix decided to regrouped once they realized Voldemort was becoming a threat.

After a year of friendship, Lupin realized that Tonks had fallen in love with him but stayed away from her due to her curse. However, Tonks refused to be scared away and would eventually make a public declaration of love for Lupin. Lupin and Tonks would then marry in a quiet ceremony in Scotland and go on to have a son together.

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6 Professor Pomona Sprout

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Pomona Sprout was another underrated character who deserved more recognition for her heroic deeds. Not only did the herbology teacher single-handedly cure all who were Petrified by the Basilisk but she also took on Dolores and participated in the Battle of Hogwarts.

But what about her social life? Although it hasn’t officially been confirmed by Rowling, there are a few limited edition copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone that state Sprout had been in a relationship with Flitwick. However, the book claims the two decided to remain friends. Other than this fact, not much is known about her love life.

5 Professor Sybill Trelawney

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Sybill Trelawney is not a person the fans were going to forget in a hurry – particularly as her awkward and dramatic manner provided much comic relief. Although she would often isolate herself from her colleagues and was always in her tower, Sybill did have a social life once.

Before coming to Hogwarts, it was revealed that Trelawney was married to “Mr. Higglebottom.” However, the marriage didn’t last very long due to Trelawney refusing to adopt his surname. The couple soon divorced and went their separate ways. Since then, Trelawney has remained single.

4 Professor Filius Flitwick

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

Although it is rumored that Flitwick and Sprout had a brief relationship at some point, not much is known about the Charms professor’s love life. While Rowling didn’t reveal much about Flitwick’s background since it wasn’t “relevant to the plot,” fans did get a life described for him after the Battle of Hogwarts.

Once Voldemort had been defeated, Sprout resumed his position as the Charms professor and taught the next generation of witches and wizards. According to the Wizards Unite game, he also ministered classes on Martial magic for those who wanted to join the Statute of Secrecy Task Force. There has yet to be any more information…

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3 Professor Rubeus Hagrid

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

The fans’ favorite character, Rubeus Hagrid, wasn’t a stranger to the romance department either as he also found love with Beauxbatons’ headmistress, Olympe Maxime. The pair first met during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, where Hagrid impressed and escorted her to the Yuletide Ball.

However, this relationship didn’t last very either because they had different personalities. Still, there wasn’t any animosity between them as Hagrid and Maxime would pair up on quests and were on friendly terms. It is unknown if they ever got back together but Hagrid did remain unmarried.

2 Professor Minerva McGonagall

Harry Potter Are Any Hogwarts Professors Married  The Relationship Statuses Of Harry Potter Teachers

As many people know, McGonagall is a strict and reserved person. However, could this be due to the heartbreak she has endured? When McGonagall was 18, she embarked on a relationship with a Muggle called Dougal McGregor. The two would briefly become engaged before McGonagall was forced to break it off to protect him and her career.

Sometime later, McGonagall was devastated to learn that McGregor had remarried someone else. Although it took her some time to get over the heartbreak, McGonagall eventually went on to marry her former boss, Elphinstone Urquart. Yet, even this marriage was cut short as Urquart died three years. Heartbroken, McGonagall then returned to Hogwarts and remained a widow.

1 Professor Severus Snape

Although it is possible that Snape could have had a few physical relationships, everyone knows by now that he had one true love: Lily Potter. First meeting when they were children, Lily and Snape grew close as they bonded over their magic. Despite being in different houses, their friendship continued to grow once they were in Hogwarts.

However, their relationship became strained once Snape began to show an interest in the Dark Arts, and Lily began dating James Potter. Nevertheless, Snape’s love for Lily remained – even long after her death.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hogwarts-professor-relationship-status-explained/

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