House Of Ashes The Raid Scene Walkthrough

House Of Ashes: The Raid – Scene Walkthrough

Learn how to get through the third scene of Dark Pictures’ House of Ashes: The Raid.

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House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

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House Of Ashes is a horror game in the Dark Pictures anthology series, and The Raid is the third scene (chapter) in the game. The truly spooky stuff hasn’t started yet but the decisions you make will still impact who lives and who dies by the end of the game. This guide details this scene from start to finish.

Secrets Found During This Scene:

  • Mythology Book (Badra-Mandali: Salim)
  • Pagan Effigy (In The Zagros Mountains: Jason)
  • Gas Masks (In The Zagros Mountains: Jason)

Pictures Found During This Scene:

  • Disarmed (In The Zagros Mountains: Jason)

Bearings Affected In This Scene:

  • Semper Fi
  • Blood

Note: This walkthrough is detailing the Theatrical Cut of the game, which you experience the first time you play the game. After your first playthrough, you unlock the Curator’s Cut, in which you play (most of) the same scenes as a different character.

Updated December 10, 2021 by Gabrielle Huston: This guide has been updated with the various possible decisions you can make in this scene and their consequences in-game. Since House of Ashes is a complex game with hundreds of endings, we acknowledge that we will miss details in these walkthroughs. However, we strive to provide you with as much information as possible.

Badra-Mandali: Salim

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

The scene cuts to an unfamiliar man walking through the streets of an Iraqi city. This is Salim Othman, a Lieutenant in the Iraqi Ground Forces. He’s carrying a gift and enters a home. Once inside, he announces that he’s home and calls out to someone named Zain.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

You need to progress through the home looking for Zain. Though there are several items to interact with in the home, only one is a collectable: on the desk in Zain’s room, there’s a copy of a book about mythology. Pick it up and click to open the book and flip the pages to unlock Secret #2.

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House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

When you enter Zain’s room, you’ll find a box of stolen goods under his bed. Salim proceeds to pick up the phone and call a neighbour to ask if Zain is with her son. She says yes and asks why Salim wants to know.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Salim is forced to make a decision: lie to her or admit what’s happened? We chose the “Angry” option and told the neighbour what was going on.

  • Restrained: Tell the neighbour you have a gift for Zain’s birthday, no other immediate consequences
  • Angry: Tell the neighbour you’ve found some things that Zain has stolen, no other immediate consequences

This decision may be discussed later in the scene “Brothers.”

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Salim vows that he’s going to track down the kids, but his captain appears at the house just at that moment to tell Salim that the Americans are coming and they need to move out.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Salim can choose to obey orders or try to search for his son.

  • Defiant: Salim’s “Courageous” trait is improved, Salim says he needs to look for his son but the captain threatens him and Salim leaves with him
  • Compliant: Salim agrees to leave with the captain

In The Zagros Mountains: Jason

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Now, the scene cuts to the soldiers flying into the mountains on helicopters. As everyone chats, Jason notices that Nick seems out of it and approaches him. You can choose to make sure he’s okay or tell him you need to be able to count on him.

  • Concerned: Jason’s “Considerate” trait is improved
  • Provocative: Jason’s “Pragmatic” trait is improved

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Your next options will differ depending on how you first talked to Nick.

  • Curious: Jason asks what’s going on and Nick tells Jason about his affair with Rachel
  • Supportive: Positive point in Jason and Nick’s relationship
  • Annoyed: Negative point in Jason and Nick’s relationship, Jason asks what’s going on and Nick says he’s fine
  • Supportive: Positive point in Jason and Nick’s relationship

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

As the US forces land near the homes, we see the Iraqi captain and Salim approach the site.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

The locals notice the American forces, and the soldiers shout for orders from Jason. He can deal with the situation cautiously or forcefully.

  • Cautious: There are no casualties
  • Confident: Jason will have a quick-time event to shoot and kill a shepherd
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House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Next, Rachel and Eric arrive on the scene and talk with Jason. They haven’t found any indication of a weapons’ silo, which Jason mentions, and Eric questions his tone. Jason can simply say that they haven’t searched enough yet to be sure, or tell Eric that these people seem like simple shepherds.

  • Skeptical: Negative point in Jason and Eric’s relationship
  • Respectful: Positive point in Jason and Eric’s relationship

The group proceeds. If you took the area by force and succeeded the quick-time event, Rachel sees the shepherd’s body and becomes angry but hopes they can use it to their advantage.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Inside Rachel, speaking Arabic, questions the locals. After she doesn’t get a response, Jason can try to make him talk.

  • Foreboding: Rachel tells Jason to stand down
  • Impatient: Rachel tells Jason to stand down

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

As Rachel continues to question them, Jason notices something which seems to be a religious altar on one side of the room. The sight of this can make Jason upset or curious.

  • Enraged: Jason destroys the altar. If Jason didn’t kill the shepherd (either by approaching cautiously or by failing the quick-time event), one of the shepherds attacks Jason with a knife and Jason is saved by Rachel, earning a positive point in Jason and Rachel’s relationship
  • Curious: Jason takes one of them in his hand to examine it and turning it in his hand will unlock Secret #17 – Pagan Effigy.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

In the next room, Rachel is interviewing more captives. As she talks to him, Jason gets a button prompt. Completing it causes Jason to hit the captive and earn a negative point in his relationship with Rachel. Failing it causes Jason to rethink his decision.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Once you get control of Jason again, don’t leave quite yet – a White-Framed Picture, called Disarmed, is on top of a barrel in this room.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

You can now leave and enter the next hut. You can speak to Nick outside if you want. When you do enter the house, go through the first door on the left to find Secret #7 – Gas Masks.

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House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Continue through the house to meet up with Rachel questioning more Iraqi men. They discover something, but not the entrance to a weapons’ silo – it’s a storage compartment full of heroin.

Engaging The Enemy: Jason

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

A few moments later, the team is attacked by the Iraqi forces. Joey is shot.

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

Your next decision is about White Phosphorus. Jason may not have brought it with him if Eric didn’t allow it during the end of the scene The Briefing.

  • Stern: Jason doesn’t allow Merwin to use W.P., Jason must complete a quick-time event
  • Approving: Jason allows Merwin to use W.P. and Merwin deals with the nearby soldiers

The group fans out to take out the nearby Iraqi soldiers. Nick asks Jason to cover him while he tries to reach Joey in his dying moments. Jason must succeed a quick-time event.

  • Jason Succeeds: Nick reaches Joey and they hide behind a tractor as Joey dies in his arms, Nick takes the cross that Joey was wearing
  • Jason Fails: Joey is shot to death and Merwin becomes furious

House Of Ashes The Raid  Scene Walkthrough

The fighting continues. Eventually, Jason catches a shepherd attempting to escape amid all the chaos. Jason threatens him but he runs anyway. There’s a quick-time event to shoot at the shepherd as he runs.

  • Jason Succeeds: Jason shoots and kills the shepherd, the Semper Fi Bearing updates with this decision
  • Jason Fails: Jason chooses not to kill the shepherd, the Semper Fi Bearing updates with this decision

Salim creeps up on Jason and is pointing a gun at his back. Salim will only choose to shoot Jason if he saw Jason shoot the shepherd and Merwin used W.P. on the Iraqi soldiers. As long as you didn’t do one of those two things, Salim will choose not to shoot Jason.

  • If Salim does shoot Jason, Jason takes an injury and the Blood Bearing updates (the consequences of this Bearing become clear in the scene Strange Aeons)

Whatever Salim does, after a moment the ground starts to quake and the soldiers are all pulled underground. We can see the familiar ruins of the temple in Akkad in the newly formed holes.

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