How Remote Work Has Led To A Surge In The Number Of Connected Devices

How Remote Work Has Led To A Surge In The Number Of Connected Devices

The number of computers, tablets, and mobile phones is expected to increase this year thanks in part to the continued rise of remote working.

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How Remote Work Has Led To A Surge In The Number Of Connected Devices

Device usage and ownership are expected to rise or bounce back after the COVID-19 pandemic. While some companies are working to return (or have already returned) to their respective workplaces, the continued rise of remote working and learning will help boost the number of devices each person owns. Further, amid the drastic change in how employees work, the pandemic has also affected how we interact with other people.

Last year, the pandemic forced employees to work from home. Regardless of whether companies liked it or not, remote working became the status quo and, although some still don’t prefer telecommuting, it looks like it’s here to stay. Several tech companies have already promised to continue working from home well into the foreseeable future or even indefinitely. Already, the world has seen the rise of video-conferencing apps, like Slack, Zoom, and Discord as a result of the pandemic. However, besides software, working from home has also affected the devices we use from day to day.

According to a forecast from Gartner, the world will see 6.2 billion devices in use globally by the end of the year in part as a result of remote working. This year, the world will use 125 million more laptops and tablets, up 8.8 percent and 11.7 percent, respectively. Further, in 2022, the number of installed devices will grow once again, topping off at 6.4 billion devices. Amid all of this, however, desk-based PCs are expected to plummet to 470 million units from 522 million units last year.

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Remote Working Changing How People Use Tech

When the pandemic started, remote workers rushed to purchase devices and accessories to accommodate their new setup. Though some companies offered to help build their employees’ home offices, some were left with bring-your-own-devices, or BYOD, protocols. Now, as workers have settled into a groove, many are realizing how their home lives have begun centering around their laptop or PC, especially when some employers have begun spying on how they spend their working hours. The need to unwind from a home office is real.

On the other hand, home offices might also get some much-needed upgrades this year. Another piece of Gartner research notes that social collaboration software will reportedly grow by 17 percent this year. With more collaboration comes the need for more devices such as webcams, microphones, and monitors, driving up the number of devices per person aside from the overall total.

Of course, another cause of the upward trend is simply the improvement of the economy. As the world stabilizes, more and more workers are either getting back to work after being furloughed/fired or finding better opportunities working remotely for companies abroad. Disposable income is becoming stable once again and devices like smartphones and tablets are getting more affordable. As connectivity is quickly becoming a necessity for a remote worker especially during and after the pandemic, grabbing the fastest possible tech becomes so much more important than before.

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