Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Invincible: Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

The fifth episode of Invincible sees Mark Grayson go up against the criminal Machine Head and a group of dangerous and super-powered mercenaries.

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Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Invincible episode 5 sees Mark getting involved with the street-level crime in New York, involving a whole new cast of villains. Mark is initially contacted by Titan, a superpowered henchman who he previously encountered, who wants Invincible to help him take down his boss. However, not everything goes according to plan, and the criminal mastermind Machine Head calls in reinforcements: a group of superhuman guns for hire, one of whom possesses an unexpected power.

Over the course of five episodes, Invincible has not been shy about introducing a lot of characters as it fleshes out its original superhero universe. This has included multiple superhero teams and villainous threats ranging from giant kaiju to the Martian parasite sequids. While past episodes have seen Mark deal with alien threats, this episode deals with things a little closer to home.

The fifth episode, “That Actually Hurt”, sees Mark struggling to juggle his new responsibilities as a superhero and his father Omni-Man’s protegee with his life as a high-school student and particularly his relationship with Amber. The episode includes a brief glimpse of a number of villains to establish Mark’s routine over the last couple of months. It’s Machine Head and his underlings who end up posing the biggest challenge to the young heroes.

The superhumans summoned by Machine Head initially seem like colorful but dispensable goons, but as the battle goes on they prove to be a match for not just Invincible and Titan but the new Guardians of the Globe. Most of the new villains don’t have much in the way of lines, but their powers make a big impression. The Invincible comics by Robert Kirkman identify all of the new villains, and suggest that more than one of them will play a greater role in the series to come.

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Machine Head

Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Titan describes Machine Head as the lord of the New York underworld, controlling everything that’s illegal and makes money. His mechanical brain is able to consider infinite possibilities, allowing him to anticipate Titan’s betrayal and Invincible’s arrival. From the glimpse the episode provides inside his head, he’s fully a robot. Machine Head is physically weak but, as he demonstrates, he’s rich enough to have other people handle the fighting for him. At the end of the episode, however, Machine Head is taken into custody, showing there are some possibilities he wasn’t prepared for.


Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Isotope is introduced as Machine Head’s right-hand man, the one who is always able to get him out of trouble. His powers include teleportation and superhuman stamina. Titan believes he sees a weakness in Isotope, aiming to use his connection with a sex worker to sideline him, but as a result of Machine Head’s foresight this doesn’t work. While Machine Head is arrested, Isotope is still at large, having now aligned himself with the new power structure.

Battle Beast

Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Initially appearing as one of the mercenaries hired by Machine Head, Battle Beast proves to be one of the most powerful entities yet in Invincible. He severely injures Mark, including crushing his chest, and is able to overpower Black Samson and Monster Girl in her beastly form, also leaving both brutally damaged. Battle Beast only leaves because he feels that his opponents are unworthy of fighting, suggesting that his interest is more in the thrill of combat than any material motives. Omni-Man is the only Invincible character who seems like he is on the same level of power.

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Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Kursk is a Russian supervillain with electrical powers. He was the nemesis of the late Red Rush. Kursk actually appeared briefly in the first episode of Invincible, where he is the villain that Red Rush defeats in an instant while having a conversation with Olga, but “That Actually Hurt” shows more of Kursk in action. In the fight, Kursk electrocutes Invincible and shatters his lenses but eventually gets taken out by Robot.


Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

Furnace is a creature made of pure plasma. He wears a suit shaped like an old-fashioned furnace to control his powers and harness them into blasts of heat. Furnace doesn’t play much of a role in the battle, firing off some heat blasts but having his suit broken by Dupli-Kate and Rex Splode’s exploding letters.


Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

With an appearance and powers similar to Marvel’s Human Torch, Magmaniac is a villain made up of liquid lava with the ability to shoot magma at his opponents. He can alter the size and shape of his body and re-form after his bipedal shape is disrupted, which allows him to recover from several shots that would seem deadly. Having Shrinking Ray planted inside him by Robot does seem to take him out of the equation for at least a little while, though.

Tether Tyrant

Invincible Every New Villain Introduced In Episode 5

The most unusual villain in Machine Head’s crew is Tether Tyrant. He has bonded with the entity in his suit to create a sticky, flexible appendage that shoots out of his chest. It may not seem as immediately dangerous as some of the other powers, but Tether Tyrant works well with the rest of the group, restraining Invincible and the Guardians to allow them to be hit. Tether Tyrant is eventually subdued by Shrinking Ray’s constricting chokehold.

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Similar to Mahershala Ali’s Luke Cage character Cottonmouth, Titan acts as an ally to Invincible in this episode, but may prove to be a major threat down the line. Titan says that he wants to take down Machine Head for the good of the community, and Mark sympathizes with him after seeing him with his wife and daughter. However, the end of the episode shows Titan taking over Machine Head’s old empire, with Isotope by his side. Titan may be setting out to be a gentler crime boss who contributes to the community, but his new line of work is likely to bring him into conflict with the heroes in the future.

Thus far, the main threats in Invincible have been heroes who are not what they seem, like Robot and Omni-Man. But “That Actually Hurts” shows that the more obvious villains of the world can still be plenty threatening.

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