Leaked How Pokémon Sword & Shield’s Characters Might Affect The Story

Leaked: How Pokémon Sword & Shield’s Characters Might Affect The Story

According to a recent leak, Pokémon Sword & Shield’s characters will have a bigger impact on the story than we originally thought.

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Leaked How Pokémon Sword & Shield’s Characters Might Affect The Story

Although any Pokémon game is mainly about the Pokémon, they aren’t the be-all and end-all. As far back as the original games of the 1990s, Pokémon games have had characters for us to connect with and a storyline to follow. In Red and Blue, not only did we have to catch ’em all, but we were on the road to achieving a trainer’s dream of being able to battle and defeat the Elite 4.

As time has passed, like any other games, Pokémon’s offerings have gotten more advanced in every way. More Pokémon, better graphics, and, what we’re here for, a more in-depth story and characters to go along with it. That’s why it’s not out of line to think Sword and Shield will offer the best we have ever seen in this department for a Pokémon game to date. In fact, we already know a little about who we’ll encounter during our quest throughout the Galar region.

Sword & Shield’s Rivals: Bede and Marnie

Every trainer needs a rival, and this time around we will have two, Bede and Marnie. Bede appears to be the “Gary” of the game (or whatever you decided to name him 20 years ago) and has the backing of Rose, the Chairman of the Pokémon League. That seems fair. Marnie doesn’t sound as if she’ll be much more admirable. The trainer has apparently already made a name for herself in the Galar region, and most of her fanbase is made of up of Team Yell members, Sword and Shield’s answer to Team Rocket.

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Leaked How Pokémon Sword & Shield’s Characters Might Affect The Story

The Leak

However, we might not be right to judge these books by their covers. That’s according to a leak by the aptly named Redditor SwSh Leak. The Redditor recently revealed some more in-depth details about the characters we will encounter throughout the Galar region, including Bede and Marnie. If the leak is true, it also contains some pretty major spoilers. You have been warned.

First up, there is more to Chairman Rose’s endorsement of Bede than meets the eye. Rose’s reason for doing so is due to his relationship with Oleana, who at some point in the game is revealed to be his mother. Rose is also on the hunt for any trainers looking to eliminate Leon so that he can eliminate them first. Leon is another trainer we will encounter during the game, who apparently would not be any sort of threat if it weren’t for Rose taking him under his wing.

Sword & Shield’s Real Antagonist

It certainly sounds as if Rose is going to be Sword and Shield’s foremost antagonist, but apparently not. That role will go to the aforementioned Oleana. Rose will eventually be revealed to be pretty harmless, and simply loves money and fame. Olena, on the other hand, will allegedly be spending the duration of the game hiding devices in stadiums that harvest power generated during battles. She will then use that power to awaken the legendary Pokémon, Eternatus.

Marnie’s Quest

Marnie is also not as pesky and villainous as she will first appear. So far, Pokémon’s official Twitter account has revealed that Marnie wants to be champion of the Galar region to achieve a “certain goal.” That goal is to find her missing father. Marnie believes that Rose had something to do with his disappearance. In light of the newly leaked information, if it turns out to be true, we’d hazard to guess that it’s actually Oleana who’s behind Marnie’s vanishing father.

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The Leak Hasn’t Been Confirmed

When it comes to game leaks, they should always be taken with a grain of salt. So far, everything above has been confirmed by no one other than the Redditor who’s claiming them to be true. It wouldn’t be the first time that a leak like this has been gospel, though. Plus, it is all incredibly in-depth. If it is all fabricated, Pokémon’s developers should consider hiring the Redditor, as the story he has weaved is one we would personally love to play through.

As for when we will find out for certain, well, that likely won’t happen until we play the game. The leaked details aren’t the sort of thing developers will openly talk about since it potentially gives away major spoilers. Until we stumble upon Oleana’s devices and Marnie’s father for ourselves in a few months time, we won’t know who the Galar region’s real villain really is.

See more : PokemonWe

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