Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

Legacies: 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

Bonnie became an amazing and powerful witch on The Vampire Diaries. What type of influence does she have on the spin-off, Legacies? We have questions!

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Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

There are several traces of The Vampire Diaries in its second spin-off, Legacies. First of all, the Salvatore Mansion has been turned into the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, serving as a place for supernatural teenagers and children to hone their skills and get an education. Of those supernatural teens, we have a few that are the legacies of characters in The Vampire Diaries. We have Hope; she is the miracle daughter of Klaus (an original vampire and hybrid) and Hayley (an alpha werewolf and hybrid). We also have Josie and Lizzie, the Gemini twins, daughters to Alaric, Jo, and Caroline.

Throughout the show, we have heard mentioned multiple original characters, one of whom is Bonnie. In The Vampire Diaries Bonnie grew into an extremely powerful Bennett witch. She also began to teach the twins when they were children. But how far does her influence extend in Legacies? Read on to see the top 10 questions we have about Bonnie and her influence.

10 Does She Stay in Touch With Caroline and the Twins?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

It was once mentioned by others that Caroline could reach out to Bonnie with questions. This seems to suggest that besties Caroline and Bonnie are still in touch. We weren’t sure how close they would stay since Bonnie sacrificed so much for Caroline and their other friends over the years, and since Caroline’s husband Stefan actually killed Bonnie’s great love–Enzo.

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At the end of The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie was ready to travel the world and put some distance between her and Mystic Falls. We would love to see postcards that Bonnie sent to Caroline and the twins while traveling. Also, we’re hopeful that she stays in touch with them since the twins refer to her as Aunt Bonnie.

9 Does The School Have Bennett Blood Saved?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

We learned from Kai that Bennett blood is a really important ingredient for getting out of the prison world. Bonnie would have known this before she left, and when she created the new prison world with the twins to trap Kai. Did she leave behind some of her blood, some preserved vials in case Alaric and the twins would need to go back? Bennett blood is powerful.

Just as Hope once saved her blood to help those who were bitten by werewolves, we could see Alaric saving Bonnie’s blood just in case he would have to go back to the prison world. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the forewarning to bring it when they were sent to the prison world this season. Luckily, Josie got them out anyways.

8 Did She Help the Twins Hone Their Skills?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

Both Josie and Lizzie are extremely powerful and seem to understand their siphoning abilities at a greater scale than other Gemini siphons did. Additionally, although Lizzie has a touch of the Gemini-crazy, she is able to hold herself together for the most part.

From The Vampire Diaries, we know that Bonnie worked with the twins and their powers. Did she continue to do so throughout their childhood? Does their understanding and control come partly from their work with Bonnie? Now that Josie has turned into Dark Josie, will Bonnie help her hone that skill, too, so that it doesn’t completely take Josie over?

7 Did She Add Her Own Knowledge to the Library?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

In the school’s library, we have Stefan’s diaries. We also have many books about magical elements and creatures. Bonnie could have added more of her own knowledge to the library. On top of adding spells that she learned through her family’s heritage, Bonnie learned many other rituals and magics through necessity.

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She is a sea of knowledge, and all that information could help the supernatural teens and children. If we can’t bring her back as a teacher, her knowledge should at least have a place in the library.

6 Do the Students Study the Bennett Family/Coven?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

The students, especially the witches, do seem to study the history of the area. Additionally, they often look into the history of supernatural beings. Since the Bennett family is so powerful and important in Mystic Falls history, are they part of a class or subject?

In some ways, Bonnie was one of the original legacies since she inherited her powers. Unlike the students, Bonnie didn’t have a school that helped guide her magic. It was trial by error. However, her family’s history is important to understand the town. It’d make sense that students would study it.

5 Does Emma Consult With Her?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

Emma is an important teacher and witch to the school. Not only is she knowledgeable in her own rite, but she works with Alaric to transport three students to the prison world. It would make sense that she would have consulted with Bonnie in order to do it since Bonnie has a vast knowledge of the prison world.

Honestly, we aren’t sure how Emma would have been able to put the students in the prison world had she not consulted with Bonnie. In addition, we could see Emma reaching out to Bonnie about particular students and spells.

4 Did She Hear About Kai’s Return?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

If there is one person that Bonnie really doesn’t like, it’s Kai. When Kai got out of the prison world, we wonder if Bonnie found out about it. Out of all the characters, Bonnie has the most experience with Kai–his cruel betrayals and games. Strangely enough, Kai actually seemed to like Bonnie in his own weird way and admire her intelligence.

However, that didn’t stop him from trying to kill her and nearly succeeding. Hearing that Kai was out would have put Bonnie on edge. She would have tried to find a way to contain him again had she known.

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3 Is She Helping Caroline Look Into the Merge?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

Caroline has been off-screen all of Legacies. She’s been looking all over the world for information about the Gemini Merge and how to prevent it. She and Alaric don’t want their daughters to have to do the devastating ritual, which would kill one twin and make the other one literally absorb the weaker twin. We know that Caroline is currently in Europe.

At the end of The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie left to go traveling. Could it be that both are working together to find a way to save the twins? As tired as Bonnie was with Mystic Falls, we can’t see her leaving the twins to suffer a horrible fate.

2 Has She Returned to Mystic Falls Since She Left?

Legacies 10 Questions We Have About Bonnie and Her Influence in Legacies

Bonnie was ready to leave at the end of The Vampire Diaries. No doubt, in many ways Mystic Falls was a place full of bad memories for Bonnie. She lost family members, friends, and her great love there. Bonnie also lost herself many times whether literal (her life) or her sense of self (magic and purpose).

Throughout the series, Bonnie became the character who had to sacrifice herself and her happiness for others. When would it be time for her happy ending? Now, that she’s traveling and trying to discover her joy, would she come back to a place that held such tragedy for her even if a few of her good friends were still there?

1 Does She Have a Legacy As Well?

In one episode, we learned that Damon and Elena have a daughter named Stephanie. Since Elena and Damon are both human again, it suggests that Stephanie is also human. Still, she is a legacy.

Does Bonnie have a child now? Does she have her own legacy? Truthfully, Bonnie was already a legacy of the amazing and powerful Bennett line, and we hope that the line continues. It would be great to see Bonnie’s kid come to the school and flourish.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/legacies-bonnie-influence-questions/

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