Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

Lost: 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

The show Lost was not just a TV show, it was a phenomenon. Fan-favorite Hurley had a brief romance, but fans envisioned him with other choices.

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Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

The show Lost was not just a TV show, it was a cultural phenomenon. The show managed to repeatedly astound audiences with its plot twists, weird scientific phenomena, and incredible character developments. Then when the series ended, the character who everyone thought would be the final hero–Jack–was surpassed by another of the main cast, Hurley.

Hurley was an unlikely hero, to be sure, but that is part of what made him perfect. While the Island on Lost was conspicuously filled with surprisingly telegenic people, Hurley’s not a classic pretty boy. He’s overweight, clumsy, and not particularly bright. He’s also caring to a fault and would do anything for his friends. While he briefly romanced Libby, such a genuinely nice guy deserved more of a romantic subplot. Here are 10 people Hurley should’ve been with besides Libby:

10 Claire Littleton

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

When Claire lands on the Island, she is close to the end of her pregnancy. Others naturally worry about her and treat her delicately, which incenses her. While Claire and Charlie hit it off, their dynamic works because Charlie is a sweet un-athletic guy while Claire is a sweet person kept out of the action by her condition.

This same dynamic would make her hit it off with Hurley. This would also give Hurley another way to grow early on, as he’s clearly queazy around body fluids (something generally associated with pregnancy and childbirth) while allowing him and Claire to rebuild the confidence in one another.

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9 Kate Austen

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

This is an unconventional choice. After all, the great romance triangle of the show is between Kate choosing either Jack or Sawyer. Hurley is a nice guy, but he is not exactly a world-class surgeon or handsome well-read smooth talker. The reason Hurley and Kate work is very much because opposites attract.

Time and again, Kate has been taught never to trust people. Hurley has learned that anyone he cares for will get hurt. Between Kate’s survival skills and Hurley’s dependable steadfast loyalty, the two could have a lot of chemistry. It can also be pretty heavily argued that Kate has more in common with a regular working-class guy like Hurley than a rich surgeon like Jack.

8 Ana Lucia

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

Both Libby and Ana Lucia were part of the group of survivors from the tail end of Oceanic Flight 815. The two women managed to reconnect with the main group of other survivors from the front of the plane. Libby and Hurley knew each other and eventually ended up romantically involved, but then Ana Lucia and Libby were both murdered by Michael, breaking Hurley’s heart.

Now, imagine another possibility: what if Hurley and Ana Lucia had bonded, getting to know one another. Maybe Hurley could help Ana Lucia heal her anger and trauma, using the same psychological coping mechanisms that helped him. At the same time, maybe Ana Lucia could bolster his confidence. Their love might spare them both a lot of pain–and might have ensured both women were somewhere else when Michael got trigger happy.

7 Charlie Pace

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

While both Charlie and Hurley are depicted as straight, human gender and sexuality are fairly fluid. Both characters are also fairly malleable, growing a lot through the series as they shed (and are haunted by) the worst bits of their pasts.

These two both want to find happiness and inner peace. They have a lot of similar interests. They even banter in early seasons, misunderstandings coming out in what could be the start of a meet-cute.

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6 Nikki Fernandez

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

Nikki comes to the island with her boyfriend Paulo. The two came to the island while smuggling diamonds after having conned, murdered and robbed a wealthy Australian TV executive. Most of their time on the Island is spent isolated from the other survivors as they hunt for the diamonds. The two eventually come to a sordid end after betraying one another.

Nikki was an actress before coming to the Island. She had a mean streak to her but was one of the characters who seemed like she could be redeemed. She and Hurley could have bonded over their love of art and pop culture, as well as some aspects of Latinx cultural heritage they missed from home.

5 John Locke

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

John Locke became reborn on the Island. He went from being paralyzed and wheelchair-bound to suddenly being a survivalist who communed with the Island as part of a shamanistic experience. Then, his faith was challenged and he eventually became consumed by the dark forces all about him.

However, he came to the Island as a man who saw new miraculous possibilities all about him. It is possible he might have found some such possibilities in romance with Hurley, each of them growing and transforming moth-like into something new and beautiful together.

4 Penny Widmore

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

Penny is the daughter of the rich Machiavellian industrialist Charles Widmore, one of the main villains of the series. Her main love interest is Desmond, the Scottish optimist who seems determined to explore the nature of free will and time travel while telling strangers he’ll see them in another life.

Frankly, Penny is rich and capable, so she can be with almost anyone she wants. While she and Desmond are in love, it is his sweet sensitivity that she finds so appealing–a trait Hurley shares. She eventually rescues both Desmond and the Oceanic 6, one of whom is Hurley. This would actually be a perfect time for her to realize she and Desmond are different people, building a potential relationship with Hurley.

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3 Danielle Rousseau

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

The French survivalist Rousseau has been living on the Island for years. Her daughter was stolen from her by the Others while she was forced to put down her husband after he went mad. She and Hurley meet in the first season–though this explosive meeting really involves her showing at him and then holding him at gunpoint.

This incredible scene is one of the moments where Hurley comes into his own, genuinely unafraid as he looks down the barrel of a gun to confront Rousseau about the Numbers, leaving her speechless. Seeing their relationship build from that point would have made the rest of the show more interesting.

2 Mr. Eko

Lost 10 People Hurley Should Have Been With (Other Than Libby)

Mr. Eko did not last long on the show, but his presence was felt long after he died. The Nigerian child soldiers turned warlord found redemption on the Island, being reborn as a man of faith–something he’d lost previously.

Seeing meaning in everything, he might see the miracle in Hurley’s connection to the Numbers, just as Hurley might learn to reevaluate the world with Eko’s newfound positivity.

1 “Dave”

“Dave” is Hurley’s imaginary friend, a hallucination who is mean-spirited and manipulative. He encourages the worst tendencies in Hurley. Eventually, Hurley begins hallucinating Dave’s return on the Island.

Just as everything can change, why not Dave? Imagination could become reality. A spiteful hallucination could become a manifestation of love. Dave could become the person who fulfills all of Hurley’s desires and helps him be a better person. Honestly, this is a twist that would have been in line with all of the themes of the series while exploring a redemptive and mystical arc through romance.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lost-10-people-hurley-should-have-been-with-other-than-libby/

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