Marvel Just Revealed The Newest Thunderbolts Team (And It Rules)

Marvel Just Revealed The Newest Thunderbolts Team (And It Rules)

Marvel Comics just revealed Kingpin’s brand new Thunderbolts team, which he will use to take on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in Devil’s Reign.

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Marvel Just Revealed The Newest Thunderbolts Team (And It Rules)

Warning! Spoilers for Devil’s Reign #2 by Marvel Comics below

Marvel’s Thunderbolts are back as the Kingpin will assemble a new team as part of the upcoming Devil’s Reign event. Marvel Comics just revealed the Thunderbolts will return in Devil’s Reign #2, where the team will consist of some familiar faces, including Taskmaster, Kraven the Hunter, and Crossbones. The new Thunderbolts will play a key role in Kingpin’s efforts to shape the Marvel Universe.

The Thunderbolts are one of Marvel’s most iconic superteams, as the original squad formed up in The Incredible Hulk #449 by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley. While they were originally depicted as heroes, in one of its biggest twists ever, Marvel revealed the entire team was made up of supervillains from the Masters of Evil – led by Baron Zemo. That roster featured the likes of Moonstone, Goliath, Fixer, Screaming Mimi, and Beetle. Since the original squad, the team has shifted from bad guys to good guys, with the most recent iteration appearing in the King in Black event. The Kingpin also controlled that team – but it seems the crime boss has upgraded.

The Thunderbolts will make their grand return as part of Chip Zdarksy and Marco Checchetto’s upcoming Devil’s Reign event. The team will feature some heavy hitters working for the Mayor of New York City as Kingpin attempts to take over the Marvel Universe. Marvel revealed Taskmaster, Crossbones, Typhoid Mary, Shocker, Whiplash, Rhino, and Kraven the Hunter will suit up in Devil’s Reign #2. On paper, it’s one of the strongest (and most competent) groups of villains ever assembled as the Thunderbolts.

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Marvel Comics also revealed Devil’s Reign will feature a tie-in with Spider-Woman, as the 18th issue will feature Kingpin trying to take down the hero. The series, from Karla Pacheco and Pere Perez, is the first of more expected crossover announcements. Pacheco teased the tie-in will star one of Spider-Woman’s greatest nemeses, “in a way I don’t think anyone will see coming.”

The Thunderbolts have always been one of Marvel’s most fun and unpredictable superteams, so to see them reform is a welcome sight. Marvel Comics did an excellent job reintroducing the team in the Thunderbolts miniseries during the King in Black event, but the cast of villains has gone their separate ways since. Hopefully, the new Thunderbolts team sticks around for a while after Devil’s Reign and gives a higher profile to some A-List villains who deserve it. The Thunderbolts will return when Devils Reign #2 comes to come book stores on December 15.

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