Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

Modern Love: 10 Most Romantic Gestures, So Far

The standout moments on the show were those of romance and intimacy between couples, and some gestures were especially grand.

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Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

An ode to all kinds of affection, Modern Love blew audiences away when it made its debut in 2019. Based on the eponymous New York Times column, the show featured some of the best real-life stories of love, friendship, parental tenderness, and heart-wrenching romance, and the second season of the show lived up to the hype as well.

Understandably, the standout moments on both seasons were those of warmth and intimacy between couples, or individuals who had sparks flying when they met. Young love and senior love both ruled the show, and these romantic gestures were adored by fans of the show.

Van Stays By Elizabeth’s Side (Season 2, Episode 8)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

After a failed marriage with each other, Van and Elizabeth slowly rediscovered the love that they had for each other, but the timing of Van’s proposal to his ex-wife was all wrong. Her breast cancer diagnosis upends their life and Van’s romantic plans, but his continuous support during her treatment could melt hearts.

She pushed him away, kept him out of her room, but it was him who helped dress her surgery wounds, took care of their children, and made her laugh during a life-changing crisis. His devotion to Elizabeth was inspiring, which was why they were one of Modern Love’s best couples.

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Niall Sells His Boat To Buy Back The Stag (Season 2, Episode 1)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

The first episode of the sophomore season of Modern Love is considered it’s best episode. A bittersweet mix of grief, love, and coping with the complexities of one’s former bonds, it followed Stephanie’s attachment to her dead ex-husbands vintage car, and how she was forced to sell it off for money.

Her new husband Niall noticed how hesitant his wife had been to sell the car, so he went to the buyer and bought back the Stag that Stephanie had sold by selling his own boat. The car was a big fragment of her first husband’s memory, but Niall accepted that that would forever be a part of Stephanie, making the gesture even more heartfelt.

Jeff Asks Lexi On A Breakfast Date (Season 1, Episode 3)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

From the debut season of Modern Love, this episode featured one of the show’s best characters Lexi, who struggled with bipolar disorder. She met a wonderful man on one of her “high” days, who seemed to be the perfect match for her buoyant self.

The meet-cute at the supermarket quickly became a conversation about dinner, but Jeff was so enamored by Lexi (who looked just like Rita Hayworth) that he just couldn’t let her walk away. So, he went ahead and asked her to a breakfast date with him so he could get to know her better in a spontaneous moment that would give anyone butterflies.

Jordan Alters His Whole Schedule For Zoe’s Sleep Disorder (Season 2, Episode 2)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

Shows like Modern Love sometimes depict pure, unadulterated love between two people which is too good to be true, but since it’s based on a column, audiences can believe that real romance does exist. In a storybook turn of events, Zoe with delayed sleep phase syndrome met Jordan, a man who was willing to forgo his own sleep to spend time with her.

As she stayed up nights, he stayed up with her and explored the city after-hours, and then went to his day job at a school like a trooper and taught in the mornings. Jordan changed his own routines so he could spend time with Zoe, and that’s got to be a sign of true love.

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Yasmine Stays With Rob Through The Night In The Hospital (Season 1, Episode 5)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

When a second date goes horribly wrong, one of the two is bound to make a run for it, but Yasmine and Rob’s second date was nothing like that. After he fatally cut himself on a wine glass, Yasmine accompanied him to the ER, waited through his surgery, and helped him with food, clothes, and recovery.

It was especially sweet to do this with someone she barely knew, but she stuck it out and got some quality bonding time with Rob in the midst of all the chaos. Their date wouldn’t have been as nuanced or deep if it hadn’t been for the accident, or Yasmine’s decision to stay even when she could have left.

Paula And Michael’s Train Station Promise (Season 2, Episode 3)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

Audiences got to see the real life implications of coronavirus on love and potential couples in this episode. Paula and Michael met on a train ride to Dublin while the world first started shutting down, and immediately hit it off.

Not knowing what was going to happen ahead of time, they agreed to meet the old-fashioned way at the railway station, and didn’t exchange any credentials to stay in touch. This attempt at being romantic and keeping some mystery alive was adorable, as was the ensuing dash that they both made to the station, despite lockdown rules.

Spence Helps Isabelle Everyday (Season 2, Episode 6)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

Sometimes romance doesn’t look like flowers and elaborate dates, but the little things that one does to make their beloved’s life better. Spence and Isabelle met under unfortunate circumstances (their spouses had cheated on them with each other), but his dedication to help her was heartwarming.

Spence took care of her plumbing needs, helped her with her baby, supported her emotionally, and gave Isabelle the break she needed. He even encouraged her ex-husband to take their baby to the hospital without telling anybody. Spence never wanted credit for these gestures and that’s what made them genuine and full of love.

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Sarah And Dennis Repair Their Marriage With Tennis (Season 1, Episode 4)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

It was refreshing to see the pains of a dying marriage explored in the show, but also the hope of repairing a damaged relationship. Dennis, self-absorbed and famous refused to acknowledge and fulfil Sarah’s needs, so couple’s therapy made them play tennis to sort out their issues.

It was super sweet to see the change between their first game, full of tension and drama, and the last game where they had figured out each other’s needs and were playing fairly and enjoying themselves.

Katie Kisses Alexa For the First Time (Season 2, Episode 5)

Modern Love 10 Most Romantic Gestures So Far

Young love is always heartening to watch, and Katie’s confusion with her sexuality, combined with the attraction she felt towards Alexa was a story that resonated with many. During the school lock-in, the two teens ran around playing games, and then got locked into a bathroom.

As they waited for their teacher to go away so they could leave safely, Katie very sweetly kissed Alexa for the first time, and both the girls looked sheepish but pleased. The moment was innocent yet a significant one in their lives, and wholly endearing.

Margo Runs In Kenji’s Memory (Season 1, Episode 8)

Watching Margo find love in Kenji in her seventies was delightful, and the bond they shared in the latter half of their lives was nothing short of perfect. They met in a run club where they learnt to run better together, so when the inevitable day of Kenji’s demise came by, there was only one way for Margo to commemorate it.

She left his wake, and broke into a run on a street corner. It was a full-circle moment, where she was honoring her husband’s memory by doing what they both did together, and keeping him alive in the mortal world through her actions.

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