Ori Developer Apologizes For Remarks On Cyberpunk 2077 & No Mans Sky

Ori Developer Apologizes For Remarks On Cyberpunk 2077 & No Man’s Sky

Following on from a viral ResetEra rant about the gaming industry’s unfulfilled promises, Moon Studio’s Thomas Mahler has apologized for his remarks.

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Following some cutting remarks, the developer behind Ori and the Will of the Wisps has apologized for his derisive comments that were aimed at the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man’s Sky. Thomas Mahler, director at Ori’s Moon Studios, took to ResetEra last week to call out companies who overpromised and then underdelivered on their games’ performance and quality, specifically citing Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man’s Sky as key offenders. Mahler went on to liken the game developers at CD Projekt Red and Hello Games to “Snake Oil Salesmen.”

Despite a rocky start, No Man’s Sky has vastly improved since its infamous launch in 2016. Several patches have been released by developer Hello Games that have improved on the game’s visuals, audio, and frame rates. No Man’s Sky is a tale of video game redemption. Unfortunately for CDPR, the same cannot yet be said for Cyberpunk 2077, which is still suffering from its catastrophic launch in December. First announced in 2012, Cyberpunk 2077 began generating a lot of hype and excitement from the very start. Between the announcement and eventual launch of Cyberpunk 2077, CDPR also released The Witcher 3, which until recently was the most awarded videogame in history. With expectations for another ground-breaking video game entry from CDPR extremely high, the sting of Cyberpunk 2077’s bug-riddled launch was even more painful for those who had been waiting for 8 years to play it.

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This sting was clearly also felt by Moon Studio’s creative director Thomas Mahler, who openly voiced his disgruntled feelings on ResetEra. The studio head has now gone on to apologize for this rant. Using his Twitter handle, Thomas Mahler said that he “screwed up,” and shared a formal apology with his followers. Admitting that he had a “chip on his shoulder,” Mahler goes on to say that his initial intention behind the post was to “offer up a discussion starter on current issues the industry is facing.” He did not intend to use the “overly aggressive tone” that came through and made a public apology to those that he had offended with the post. The full statement can be read below.

Yup, I screwed up yesterday. Here’s my thoughts: pic.twitter.com/4gH0KGxURA

While the tone used in Mahler’s original post on ResetEra was not appropriate, especially coming from a professional in his position, he did still raise some valid points that should not be ignored. Developers should be held accountable for their actions, and ensuring that a quality game is released to its fans should be the norm, not the exception. The gaming industry has also become notorious for forcing its employees to crunch to get new titles out in a timely fashion, with big names such as Naughty Dog coming under fire in the last 12 months. This is neither fair or professional for those with the means to do better for employees and customers.

This apology from Ori’s Thomas Mahler is the right thing for him to have done, but the message behind his initial post should not go forgotten. While No Man’s Sky has improved, and Cyberpunk 2077 continues to have patches and mods added to enhance players’ experiences, they really ought to have been up to standard at their launch.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/ori-dev-aplogy-cyberpunk-2077-no-mans-sky/

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