Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Overwatch: 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Baptiste can be a tricky Overwatch hero to use, but this little guide will have you rocketing up the rankings in no time!

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Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Due to some recent buffs to his healing grenade capacity and Amplification Matrix duration Baptiste has emerged as one of the best healers in competitive Overwatch this season. Overall, Baptiste is a very fun hero to play, as he can put out quite a lot of healing while also being equipped with a powerful weapon that makes him one of the deadliest supports in the game.

With his pick rate continuing to rise at most ranks, we put together a list of ten tips to climb with Baptiste in competitive, to help players who are trying to improve with the character.

10 Use Immortality Field Early In Games

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Immortality Field is a fantastic ability that allows Baptiste to save his team-mates and counter enemy Ultimates, but many players tend to overlook the effectiveness of the ability early on in a match.

When a round has started, you know that no-one on either team will have Ultimates ready, so you should use Immortality Field as soon as possible (since there is no reason to be holding on to it). In particular, the ability is best used to secure space for your team, deny a kill on a teammate, or allow your team to confirm a kill.

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9 Charge Your Exo Boots

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Baptiste’s Exo Boots are probably his most underrated ability and many people at low to mid ranks seem to almost forget about them entirely, but if you really want to improve with him, you need to be taking advantage of the vertical mobility of the character. If you watch high-level Baptiste players, they can be seen crouching during most team fights just to have the boosted jump at the ready.

The ability can be used to quickly take a position on advantageous high ground to get an angle on the enemy, or to dodge things like charging Reinhardts.

8 Save Immortality Field If You Think An Enemy Has An Ultimate

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

As stated in the first tip, as a match progresses, you want to make sure you hold on to your Immortality Field if you suspect the enemy team will be looking to throw some offensive Ultimates at you. Once you hear the voice line signaling something like Genji’s Dragon Blade, find a high priority teammate like your other healer or a tank and place your Field onto them.

It is important to remember that the other team can still destroy the generator protecting your team, so you need to be ready to reposition. This is especially true when dealing with something like Torbjörn’s Molten Core, as his Ultimate will damage the Immortality Field from the ground, but in most cases, you will still buy your team enough time to escape alive.

7 Shoot More And Heal Less

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

At first, this might seem like the wrong approach to have as Baptiste, but the amount of damage he is capable of dishing out can change the tide of a battle. You obviously still want to make sure no one on your team is dying, but in most cases, you can at the very least safely contribute to attacking shields early in fights and cleaning up kills at the end of them.

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Along with this, if the enemy team is playing Pharah to counter your team’s damage picks, you should make keeping track of her a priority, as you can be a great answer to her with your hitscan weapon.

6 Do Not Be Afraid To Use Amplification Matrix Selfishly

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Continuing along with the idea that Baptiste players should shoot more, you should also not be afraid to use your Amplification Matrix selfishly. The Ultimate will allow you to easily secure kills and using it on yourself will often catch the enemy team off guard.

Additionally, you can apply the same strategy when using Amplification Matrix for healing, as throwing it down behind your team and firing healing through it can keep them alive through enemy pushes and even some Ultimates.

5 Remember That Your Healing Grenades Have An Area Of Effect

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Generally, you want to be doing your best to hit team-mates with healing grenades directly, but it is essential to remember that they do have a healing area of effect. Keeping this in mind can allow you to do things like heal multiple team-mates at once or splash grenades off of objects near someone out of your line of sight.

This AoE healing is also great to keep in mind when you are grouped up with your team, as you can fire health into the ground under you to keep everyone alive.

4 Know The Range Of Your Regenerative Burst

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

When learning the range of your Regenerative Burst, you need to keep in mind not only the distance the ability reaches straight in front of you but also side to side. In terms of exact numbers, the Burst covers a ten-meter radius and will roughly fill the area in front of you on screen.

Remembering the ability deploys out at an angle is vital, as players who are new to Baptiste will often assume the ability deploys in a full circle (similarly to his Immortality Field).

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3 Use Regenerative Burst When You Need To Reload During A Team Fight

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

Once you have gotten the hang of how to use Regenerative Burst, you will need to start learning when to use it. When you are low on health you should use the ability, but it can also be a great tool to cover a reload.

During hectic fights that require you to be healing a lot, if you are out of healing grenades and need to refill your magazine, you can cast your Regenerative Burst onto your team to let the ability’s healing over time keep team-mates topped up.

2 Place Immortality Field Behind Cover

Overwatch 10 Tips To Climb In Competitive With Baptiste

One thing that really separates average Baptiste players from the great ones is their Immortality Field placement. Smart players will set their ability behind cover, so that the enemy team will have a harder time destroying the generator. Doing this will also allow your team to peek out from safety, knowing that the Field will likely not be shut down early.

Additionally, the Immortality Field can be bounced off of walls, so often creative Baptistes will use this knowledge to send the ability behind a corner with a ricocheted throw.

1 Find A Teammate Who Can Play Orisa

As with most characters in Overwatch, Baptiste pairs better with some heroes than others, and in terms of tanks he works best with Orisa. The synergy between the two characters is mostly a result of Orisa’s barriers working best when teams hunker down behind them and move with each new shield, as this lets Baptiste maximize the effectiveness of his grenades and Immortality Field.

Also, the heroes make a great pair because their Ultimates can be chained one after the other to maintain a significant amount of buffed damage or counter a string of enemy Ultimates.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/overwatch-baptiste-tips-hints-dominate-competitive/

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