People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

People Just Do Nothing: 10 Best Characters, Ranked

British sitcom People Just Do Nothing is finally getting a feature movie. Before it hits the big screen, revisit the show’s 10 most loved characters.

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People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

British mockumentary-style series People Just Do Nothing is set to return for a highly-anticipated feature film set in Japan, due to be released in August 2021. While it’s not yet known how many of the main characters will return for People Just Do Nothing: Big In Japan, the trailer reveals that many fan favorites will be back, and their adventures in the massive metropolis will no doubt be hilarious and fraught with hijinks and disaster.

The series is full of a varied roster of characters, many of whom aren’t necessarily always the most likable. In fact, many of the characters are self-obsessed and have inflated senses of their level of fame. However, some of the most deluded characters in the series are often the most hilarious and the best in the show. Others are the perfect combination of “means well but just doesn’t have a clue.”

10 Craig

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Craig (George Keywood) is Roche’s son from a previous relationship, but Beats raises him as if he is his own. Craig doesn’t do too much and can usually be found in the living room playing video games, but Beats loves him, although he can seem a bit indifferent to him at the beginning of the series.

They eventually form a strong bond and even go fishing together, at which point Craig calls Beats “Dad.” This relationship is what makes Craig a fan-favorite character. Nonetheless, he’s hardly the best character because of his lack of screentime and dialogue compared to the others and the fact that the audience really doesn’t know that much about him.

9 Carol

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Carol (Victoria Alcock) is Miche’s mom and provides more than a few hilarious moments when she starts seeing Chabuddy. Their relationship is mostly physical and despite the fact that it’s entirely consensual, Chabuddy wishes their bedroom life was a little tamer. It’s quite clear Carol’s just using Chabuddy and doesn’t actually care about him. She even expressed interest in Decoy.

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She isn’t always supportive of Miche, nor is she a fan of Grindah, and thinks Miche can do much better. Overall, Carol really isn’t the most likable person. Nonetheless, fans love seeing her on-screen if only to catch what NSFW thing she’ll say next. She’s a treat whenever she makes an appearance.

8 Steves’ Nan

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Steves’ Nan (Pamela Lyne) is a somewhat underrated character in the series, but a favorite for many. She sadly passes away later on in the show, leaving Steves with her flat that the boys use to house Kurupt FM. She also supplies Steves with drugs and leaves him with a bunch of cash after she dies.

Just like Steves, Nan is warm and clearly Steves’ main “adult” support, even if she is an enabler when it comes to his drug problem. When she dies, Steves actually believes she is reincarnated in Beats and Roche’s new baby. This heartwarming relationship between the two makes her one of the best characters in the series and her role in developing Steves character arc can’t be understated.

7 Miche

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

People Just Do Nothing is definitely a lesser-known British comedy show in America, which means audiences are missing out on great characters like Miche (Lily Brazier). She is one of the best characters on the show for her naivete and hilarious dialogue, but like Grindah, she often has an inflated sense of self-importance. She may mean well in her parenting of Angel, but Miche pushes her daughter to be the person Miche wishes she was and the results are not always great.

Miche often goes along with whatever Grindah wants to do, believing he is the huge star he says he is. But despite her failings as a parent, she’s the only one there for Angel (besides Decoy), as Grindah is generally disinterested in her. Miche can be annoying and pushy, but fans love seeing her make Grindah feel uncomfortable, particularly around the topic of their wedding.

6 Roche

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Roche (Ruth Bratt) is one of the smartest characters on the show. She doesn’t get involved with any of the Kurupt FM nonsense, unlike Miche, who likes the idea of fame and often buys into Grindah’s grandiose plans. Instead, Roche’s focus is usually on her kids and her job and she doesn’t have much time for Beats’ big ideas.

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She is largely why Beats stays at all grounded and only really gets roped in when she has to work security at Chabuddy’s Champagne Steam Rooms. Roche is a fan-favorite character because she plays the “straight man” to the group’s hijinks. Of the guys’ partners, she is easily the most level-headed and likable.

5 Decoy

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Decoy (Daniel Sylvester Woolford) is probably the quietest member of the group and often doesn’t even seem to like the other guys. It’s implied that he is mostly about the music and that’s why he is a part of the station, but there is an ongoing but unconfirmed subplot that he is probably the real father of Grindah and Miche’s daughter, Angel.

Decoy’s funniest moments come when he is caught up in situations with the other guys that he’d rather not be a part of, and he looks at the camera to express his awkwardness or to raise his eyebrows. Despite his lack of dialogue compared to the others, fans love Decoy because he is generous and kind in his dealings with Angel and he spends a lot of time driving the guys around.

4 Grindah

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Grindah (Allan Mustafa) is, in many ways, the least likable member of the Kurupt FM crew, but he remains consistently entertaining and hilarious because of his inflated sense of fame and importance. He loves Miche but not the idea of being in a committed long-term relationship because it goes against his idea of his image.

Nonetheless, there is no Kurupt FM without their MC, and therein lies Grindah’s value on the show. But he’s not as great as Beats and some of the others because he often takes advantage of people and usually only thinks about himself or the success of the group, often neglecting his relationship and his kid.

3 Beats

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Beats (Hugo Chegwin) has more sense and street smarts than Grindah, but that’s not saying much. He falls victim to the same issue Grindah has in that he believes he is way more important and famous than he actually is. However, Beats is committed to his family and more mature than Grindah in many ways.

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The birth of Beats’ daughter made him realize he had to get serious, grow up, and start wearing chinos. He may not be as flashy as Grindah, but Beats is no less entertaining for it and a vital part of the Kurupt FM crew.

2 Chabuddy

People Just Do Nothing 10 Best Characters Ranked

Whether or not fans consider People Just Do Nothing as one of the best British sitcoms of the past decade, many would agree that Chabuddy (Asim Chaudhry) is one of the best characters on the show. Chaudhry has been quick to counter detractors who think Chabuddy is a negative stereotype. The actor told The Guardian that Chabuddy could be from anywhere and it’s his self-delusion that makes him funny.

Like many of the other characters on the show, Chabuddy is often subject to delusions of grandeur, but despite all his failings, he’s actually the one that works the hardest for the station. In fact, he gives all his money to fund Kurupt FM, even living in his van after basically bankrupting himself to fund it. He believes in the boys and in true love and has a huge heart, even if he is completely oblivious to most things.

1 Steves

It’s characters like Steves (Steve Stamp) that make People Just Do Nothing such a binge-worthy BBC show. He is one of the funniest characters on the show and this is conveyed both through his subdued physical comedy and his heartwarming storylines.

Steves isn’t always treated well by the rest of the crew, even though he is often the money behind their creative ventures. He is a generous, kind guy who always means well and asks for very little. His relationship with his Nan and his coping after her death are among the stronger storylines in the series, and Steves is impossible to hate, unlike some of the other characters, making him the best on the show.

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