Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Pokémon: 10 Ways Ash’s Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Ash’s Pikachu might be one of the most lovable and recognizable anime mascots of all time, but that doesn’t mean it can get away with everything.

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Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Some franchises take some time to properly resonate with audiences and become fully entrenched in pop culture. Yet, Pokémon is a prolific property that’s always found acclaim despite its quirkiness due to the way that it’s dominated video games, anime, card games, and any form of entertainment that it decides to tackle.

The Pokémon anime series has collectively produced over 1000 episodes, which has allowed both the series and Ash to grow and change. Ash’s companions and support are always in flux, but his prize Pokémon, Pikachu, remains a constant throughout the anime series. However, Ash’s signature Pokémon isn’t always an asset, and there are times where he’s actually more of a hassle for the Pokémon trainer and the franchise as a whole.

10 He Takes Attention Away From Other Pokémon

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

The growing number of diverse Pokémon that make up the ever-expanding Pokédex can be both a blessing and a curse for the anime series. There are always new Pokémon to feature in episodes because of the staggering amount of creatures, but it also makes it increasingly unlikely that Ash, or any Pokémon trainer, will be able to truly catch ‘em all. This prospect becomes even more restrictive thanks to Ash’s Pikachu, who routinely steals the spotlight. Admittedly, Pikachu has become a beloved mascot, but his constant presence means that Ash’s other Pokémon need to stay on the sidelines.

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9 He Won’t Evolve

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

There are many different strategies and elements that can lead Pokémon trainers to success, but, by and large, a Pokémon’s evolution is an opportunity to celebrate. Helping raise a Pokémon so that it evolves into its next form is a fundamental way to not just help the creature grow but to build a deeper relationship with it. There have been frequent occasions where Ash’s Pikachu is presented with the prospect of evolution, only to always turn it down. A Pokémon should never be forced to evolve against their will, but Pikachu’s stubborn nature here has limited his potential.

8 He’s Gotten Too Powerful

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Long-running anime series can often face problems with the concept of power scaling or plot armor that catapults their protagonist to an unrealistic level of strength that removes any tension. Ash’s constant use of Pikachu has resulted in the Pokémon growing increasingly stronger, and he’s reached the point where his intimidating Z-Move, 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt, can typically handle any situation.

Pikachu’s embellished strength makes his battles less exciting, and it functions as an even greater incentive for Ash to let his other Pokémon take the lead.

7 He’s Always Getting Captured By Team Rocket

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

There are constantly new wonders to discover in the world of Pokémon, but one of the more consistent obstacles that Ash faces during his adventures is interference from the villainous organization, Team Rocket. Team Rocket’s goals can vary, but, more often than not, they’re determined to poach Ash’s Pikachu to please their boss and gain access to this Pokémon’s heightened power. Pikachu typically isn’t in Team Rocket’s possession for long, but he’s constantly getting captured and forcing Ash and company to derail their missions in order to rescue the Pokémon. He has a constant target on his back.

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6 He Pushes Ash To Use An Electric-Type Pokémon Where It’s Not Appropriate

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

There are distinct differences between Pokémon’s anime and the video games on which it’s based upon. Ideally, one would be able to watch the Pokémon anime and learn valuable strategies that can then be applied to battles in the video games. This is sometimes the case, but Ash’s reliance on Pikachu even extends to important Gym Leader matches where the Electric-Type Pokémon has no business being involved. The whole point of Gym battles that cater towards different Pokémon types is so that the trainer develops a diverse party, but Ash uses Pikachu even when it doesn’t make sense.

5 He’s Forced Ash Into Unhealthy Habits With His Other Pokémon

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Ash is far from a perfect Pokémon trainer, but he’s grown in impressive ways since he first departed on his journey from Pallet Town. It’s not unusual for a Pokémon Trainer’s first Pokémon to establish the baseline for how they’ll be with their subsequent Pokémon.

Pikachu is Ash’s first Pokémon, and he defies convention right from the start, like traveling by Ash’s side as opposed to within a Poké Ball. This builds unhealthy habits within Ash, and he can be quite codependent with his Pokémon due to Pikachu’s clingy behavior.

4 He Rises Above The Proper Strength And Weakness Typings

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

There’s a sensible system that exists within Pokémon when it comes to how strengths and weaknesses work, which is one of the most important elements to consider in battle. Ash has some decent knowledge in this area, and he’s not against shuffling up his party when it’s appropriate, but Pikachu is one of his Pokémon that seems to be above this principle. There are times where Pikachu’s Electric-Type attacks are super effective against Pokémon where Pikachu should struggle to inflict any damage. Ash’s other Pokémon need to take strengths and weaknesses into account, yet Pikachu is often exempt.

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3 He’s Prevented Ash From Exploring Any Other Electric-Type Pokémon

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Ash is somewhat selective when it comes to the Pokémon that he actually decides to capture, which are then placed under additional scrutiny when it comes to who will actually remain in his party as opposed to being left in a Pokémon Lab for safekeeping. Pikachu is Ash’s go-to Electric-Type Pokémon, but Pikachu’s tendency to always fill this role means that Ash’s experience with other Electric-Type creatures is extremely limited. Ash doesn’t need a party full of Electric-Types, but because he won’t shelve Pikachu, it means that he doesn’t get to experiment with more advantageous Electric-Type Pokémon.

2 He’s The Only Pokémon That Really Gets To Wear Costumes And Accessories

Pokémon 10 Ways Ashs Pikachu Ruined Its Likability

Pikachu has a very striking design, but the anime and different games in the series have dressed up the Pokémon in radical costumes to make him even more adorable. In “Lights! Camera! Pika!,” Ash’s Pikachu plays the role of Super Pikachu, which goes to his head, and once more neglects Ash’s other valuable Pokémon. This is a more superficial frustration, but it’s still a valid complaint in which Pikachu gains another perk that only alienates Ash’s other Pokémon and creates tension. The least that he can do is try to develop costumes and accessories for his other Pokémon, too.

1 He’s Not Against Casually Electrocuting Humans

Pokémon shouldn’t be held up to unreasonable standards. This is why certain Electric-Type Pokémon are more than entitled to be free with their use of electricity, whether it’s in battle or out in the wild. That being said, Ash’s Pikachu has spent so much time with people that he should understand their limits when it comes to electricity and that he shouldn’t be flippant with his abilities. Even after everything that Ash’s Pikachu has experienced and learned, he’s still prone to electrocuting Ash or his companions, much to their static-charged disappointment.

See more : PokemonWe

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