Pokémon Fans Laser Art Of Pikachu Is Absolutely Electric

Pokémon Fan’s Laser Art Of Pikachu Is Absolutely Electric

A skilled artist was recently able to capture Pikachu’s signature electric energy with a galvanizing and exciting piece of laser-based artwork.

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Category : Pokemon

An extremely talented creator just broke new ground with an electrifying piece of fan art depicting Pokémon’s famous mascot Pikachu. This is just one of the innumerable artistic tributes made to the beloved TV, trading card, and video game franchise. Plenty of impressive Pokémon-themed creations have graced the internet in this year alone, with a recent example being a charming WandaVision crossover earlier this spring.

Pokémon is an intellectual property that needs little introduction. As one of the most popular and iconic pieces of media from the past few decades, it has engendered a great degree of love from fans both young and old. Whether the series is taking the form of a TV show, movie, or video game, there is always one character that is nearly synonymous with the Pokémon brand: the spunky electric mouse Pikachu. Best known as Ash Ketchum’s sidekick and one of the stars of both Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!, this cute creature has won the hearts of countless viewers and gamers. Pikachu’s straightforward elemental powers and adorable, simplistic design make for a flexible foundation when it comes to fan art.

Pikachu has been featured in a number of different sketches, paintings, and digital drawings over the years (even appearing as the MCU’s Thor at one point), but a Redditor going by the handle unnaturalorder recently shared a less common style of fan art. The piece – which was initially posted on TikTok by brooke.cheng – is a striking laser-based mural of sorts that depicts the sparky rodent in an appropriately epic fashion. It was achieved through a system of meticulously placed mirrors that refract beams of multicolored light, culminating in a one-of-a-kind work of art.

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Regular fan art is impressive enough, but this artist has raised the bar considerably with this incredibly engineered composition. Creating complex images with laser beams is no easy task, but the result is a creation that stands apart in a sea of breathtaking Pokémon tributes. Hopefully, this piece will inspire other artistically inclined fans of the franchise to get more inventive and ambitious with future projects.

If the upcoming FromSoftware fan art collection proves anything, it’s that these third-party creations can amass huge amounts of respect from fans all over the world. There is an abundance of talent to be found among internet and social media artists, and this Pikachu design is further proof of that fact. Pokémon fan or not, anyone who appreciates unique, expressive art should definitely check this piece out.

See more : PokemonWe

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