Pokemon GO Announces Dialga for Legendary Raids

Pokemon GO Announces Dialga for Legendary Raids

Pokemon GO reveals the next legendary raid boss for the popular mobile augmented reality game in the form of the steel- and dragon-type Pokemon Dialga.

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Pokemon GO Announces Dialga for Legendary Raids

Legendary raids in Pokemon GO have featured both Palkia and Latias in recent weeks, but a new Pokemon will be added soon. Starting March 1 at 1:00pm PST and until March 28 at the same time, the fourth generation legendary Pokemon Dialga will be featured in Pokemon GO’s legendary raids.

Dialga is a steel- and dragon-type Pokemon, and was featured on the cover of Pokemon Diamond. In terms of the franchise’s lore, Dialga has power over time, and as a result, is considered one of the most powerful Pokemon there is. Trainers will need to prepare a strong team to take on the ultra-powerful Dialga, and will want to assemble fighting- and ground-type Pokemon to give themselves the best chance at victory.

While Pokemon GO players will have their first chance to defeat and catch Dialga in March, they will likely have other opportunities to get their hands on the legendary creature at various points in the future. As we’ve seen with other legendary Pokemon, Dialga will likely reappear in legendary raids from time to time, and there’s a good chance that it will eventually make its way to the Field Research Breakthrough box.

The Field Research Breakthrough reward box is a somewhat controversial way to get legendary Pokemon, though. Right now there are eight Pokemon that can come from the box that it makes it difficult to get the one players actually want. And since it takes an entire week of completing Field Research challenges to get a box, players hoping to use it to fill out their Pokedex are understandably becoming frustrated.

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Considering this, it would be nice if Niantic removed some legendary Pokemon from the box, especially those that have been featured in it for quite some time or on multiple occasions, like the legendary beasts and birds. For Pokemon GO players in rural areas, Field Research breakthrough rewards are oftentimes the only way they can get legendary Pokemon, so here’s hoping Niantic makes it easier for them to get the legendaries that they actually need in the future.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

See more : PokemonWe

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