Pokemon GO EX Raid Pass Trolls Players for Christmas

Pokemon GO EX Raid Pass Trolls Players for Christmas

Redditer and Pokemon GO enthusiast damangood reveals that he has been sent an EX Raid invite for a raid taking place in a mall that will be closed the day of the raid.

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Pokemon GO EX Raid Pass Trolls Players for Christmas

Pokemon GO remains one of the most popular mobile games on the market, but it’s not without its flaws. One of the most common criticisms levied at the game is its EX Raid system, which invites players to participate in raids against Mewtwo at specific times, making the Pokemon almost impossible to catch for the vast majority of Pokemon GO players. Getting an EX Raid invite is a rare opportunity, so one has to imagine how Redditer damangood felt when he received an invite to a raid that is impossible for him to even participate in.

According to damangood, he received an EX Raid invite to a Mewtwo raid taking place on Christmas day, December 25. Unfortunately, the EX Raid is in a Sprint store at the Eden Prairie Center mall in Minnesota, which will be closed for the holidays. And since players that have already received EX Raid invites are less likely to get one in the future, this means damangood may very well be missing out on one of his only chances to catch Mewtwo.

Various other Pokemon GO players have offered suggestions to damangood to still participate in the raid, like using a drone to fly over the building or hiding in the mall when it closes for the holidays. Even if damangood broke the law to catch a Pokemon in Pokemon GO, though, he’d have to have a number of accomplices with him, as completing an EX Raid by yourself is very unlikely, if not outright impossible for most players.

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Unfortunately, damangood isn’t the only Pokemon GO player that has received an EX Raid invite for a Christmas raid he can’t compete in. Another Reddit user by the name of j1mb0 revealed that he is in a similar situation, and criticized Niantic for having EX Raids take place on Christmas at all. Christmas is a holiday usually reserved for spending time with family, meaning that even players invited to EX Raids in accessible locations may still not be able to participate, or would have to give up family time to try catching Mewtwo.

Ultimately, it seems like the only way for damangood and j1mb0 to participate in the EX Raids they’ve been invited to is by spoofing the game. For the uninitiated, spoofing is when Pokemon GO players cheat to remotely travel to different locations, allowing them to catch Pokemon and participate in raids without actually being there. Spoofing is looked down on by the Pokemon GO community and is a way to get one’s account banned, but if it’s the only way to participate in EX Raids for some players, it’s hard to blame them for going that route.

It’s clear that Niantic needs to make some sweeping changes to the EX Raid system, or just scrap it altogether since it seems most Pokemon GO fans dislike it. Whether or not Niantic makes any changes to EX Raids remains to be seen, but if situations like this keep happening, it will at least have to consider it if it doesn’t want to lose some of its more dedicated players.

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Pokemon GO is available now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Source: Reddit

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