Pokemon GO is Having a Great Year Despite Coronavirus

Pokemon GO is Having a Great Year Despite Coronavirus

According to a recent report, Niantic’s mobile game Pokemon GO is enjoying one of its very best years since it first released.

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Pokemon GO is Having a Great Year Despite Coronavirus

Although gamers largely perceive Animal Crossing: New Horizons as the escapist video game to play during lockdown, it appears that Pokemon GO has its own quarantine success story to share. Many players (including Star Wars developer Rian Johnson) have reported that the game allows them to keep in touch with their friends, and recent reports indicate that these players have made 2020 one of the game’s most successful years yet.

According to the data aggregator Sensor Tower, Niantic’s mobile Pokemon app is achieving record-breaking rates of revenue and profit. The website’s estimates are in line with previous reports of The Pokemon Company’s swift growth. Last year, some outlets cited Pokemon GO as the key to the company’s $143 million net profits in 2019.

In the Sensor Tower report, Pokemon GO players have collectively spent $3.6 billion since the game’s 2016 debut. According to the data, the United States brings in the most revenue, with Japan and Germany generating the second and third most user spending amounts respectively. For the most part, no mobile game has achieved similar earnings yet. A chart generated from the site’s estimates also reveals that Pokemon GO has enjoyed consistent growth in player spending since 2018.

Sensor Tower credited the game’s enduring success to the popularity of the Pokemon brand and its compatibility with the mobile app genre in its analysis. As for its success in 2020 despite social distancing rules, the website believes the $445.3 million in player spending is due to Niantic’s “stay-at-home functionality” successfully keeping players engaged.

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It is important to note that Sensor Tower’s data is still composed of estimates and not official data from Nintendo. However, the site’s history of studying mobile apps and the revenue they generate lends it some credibility. Other recent data from other intelligence companies like Statista, which recorded a 70% spike in Pokemon GO spending in March, corroborates Sensor Tower’s claims.

Ultimately, it will be interesting to see how the appearance of Gen 6 starters will impact Pokemon GO’s success. Although players have celebrated the game’s fourth anniversary, the mobile app’s meteoric success shows no sign of slowing. Hopefully, Niantic continues to support the game by releasing thrilling events and more beloved Pokemon to nostalgic players.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

Source: Sensor Tower

See more : PokemonWe

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