Pokemon GO Should Let Players Evolve Event Pokemon

Pokemon GO Should Let Players Evolve Event Pokemon

Pokemon GO players have been unhappy with event Pokemon lately due to the fact that they cannot evolve and are basically just filler for storage.

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Pokemon GO Should Let Players Evolve Event Pokemon

Pokemon GO may not be as big as it was when it first came out in 2016, but the app still has about 166 million users as of 2020 and has surpassed the total of one billion downloads. With its sustained popularity, it is still not unusual to see lures set on Pokestops and gyms being fought over. The app still gets some players walking and is active in having in-game events.

Event Pokemon have been being added since the first one debuted in December of 2016, which was Pikachu in a Santa hat. Since Santa Pikachu, the amount of event Pokemon has greatly increased with each year, easily filling the spaces of Pokemon storage to a concerning rate. Since the 2019 Halloween event, there are many event Pokemon that cannot evolve, and fans are not happy about it.

The Issue With No Evolution

Pokemon GO Should Let Players Evolve Event Pokemon

With event Pokemon being unable to evolve, they have become more of an annoyance for players rather than charming. Being unable to evolve, the Pokemon pragmatically become useless to the players that enjoy battles and gyms. Players have been especially peeved when they have the luck to catch a perfect IV, high CP, and/or shiny event Pokemon and then have little to do to make it grow.

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Even worse, these event Pokemon take up too much additional space in Pokemon storage. Usually, Pokemon GO players keep one of every finalized evolution and replace it if they create or find one of the same that is stronger. Adding unevolvable event Pokemon makes players tend to keep just one, but with them unable to evolve, they cannot replace anything. Due to this, they can take up enough storage space that eventually players have to spend either real or in-game money to upgrade their storage. It comes down to either upgrading storage or releasing Pokemon, and the game specifically warns against releasing these exclusive costumed Pokemon every time a player tries.

What Players Have Said

Pokemon GO Should Let Players Evolve Event Pokemon

There has been no storage of negative player responses, ranging from calling Niantic lazy to just not caring about events because of the lack of evolution. On a Reddit thread, one player mentioned that evolution is one of the biggest hooks in Pokemon games, and many others were in agreement. Another wrote, “I caught an event shiny . . . except I can never evolve it and that is just the worst feeling.” One even mentioned deleting all event Pokemon because they are not worth the storage space.

What some players have suggested, and hope that Niantic will add, is evolution. The system could come with a warning that if evolved, the Pokemon can lose their costume. That way, those who are attached to the costume can keep the Pokemon unevolved while those who care more about evolving it can do so. At best, though, evolutions with the costume still on would be well-received by fans. After all, there are Pokemon that could evolve with costumes before many more existed, such as Santa hat Pikachu.

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Why Evolutions Are Not Happening

It is unknown why Niantic made the decision to halt event Pokemon from evolving. Most players have concluded it is either Niantic not wishing to put in the extra work and/or being a method to fill Pokemon storage more so players buy storage. Either way, the issue puts Niantic in a bad light. Some are holding on to hope though, keeping their event Pokemon with the hope that Niantic will eventually allow them to evolve. Until then, it may be best to save up all in-game currency for Pokemon storage.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS devices.

See more : PokemonWe

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