Pokémon GO The Best Teams For Ultra League

Pokémon GO: The Best Teams For Ultra League

The Ultra League opens up GO Battle League to far more powerful Pokémon as now any with a CP up to 2500 are welcome.

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Pokémon GO The Best Teams For Ultra League

The preseason of Pokémon GO’s Battle League rages on, but trainers might have noticed a very big change this week. The Great League is over and the Ultra League has begun. There are some key differences between the two. In The Great League, only Pokémon with a CP of 1500 or below were allowed. The Ultra League opens up GO Battle League to far more powerful Pokémon as now any with a CP of up to 2500 or below are welcome.

Since GO Battle League is still in the preseason stage, the rank trainers attained during the Great League period remains. However, wading into battle with the same team would be a big mistake. A serious reshuffle is needed before trainers even consider taking on rival trainers in the Ultra League, and we’ve got some handy hints and tips for trainers of all levels.

Giranta In All Its Forms

The most powerful Pokémon when hovering around the 2500 CP mark are Registeel and Giratina, in both of its forms. If you have maxed out versions of both these Pokémon at a CP that qualifies for the Ultra League then this period of preseason should be somewhat of a breeze. There are a couple of caveats, though. For starters, we can already predict what some of you have already asked at this point. Why not include both forms of Giranta in a team of three?

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Pokémon GO The Best Teams For Ultra League

Simply put, because you’re not allowed. Trainers can use Origin Giranta or Altered Giranta, but not both at the same time. The only other issue therein is filling spot number three, and there are a few options. Trainers using origin form of Giranta should fill that final spot with a Clefable or a Lapras, whereas those opting for the alternate form would be better off picking Regice or Armored Mewtwo. Or keep things simple by picking Snorlax as it works well in both instances.

Snorlax Is Ultra

We did promise at the very beginning of this article that we would also have recommendations for less experienced trainers. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to choose a high-powered Registeel to head into battle with. Don’t let that deter you from competing in the Ultra League as there are other Pokémon who can certainly do a job in the 2500 CP and under category.

Although Snorlax has already been mentioned, its getting another hat-tip here as it really is a must for the Ultra League. Even one that isn’t maxed out will fare you well in these battles so if you have a Snorlax, definitely bring it with you for Ultra League encounters. It works well with pretty much any of the other recommendations we have both above and below.

There are an array of choices of what should be effective Pokémon for those other two spots in what will be a less than perfect Ultra League team. Charizard and Typhlosion would be terrific choice, although try not to include both in the same team at the same time as that would be over-egging the Battle League team pudding somewhat.

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Alongside a Snorlax and either a Charizard or a Typhlosion, there are again a few viable options. Swampert, Gyarados, and Dragonite will also do well during this Ultra League period, providing none of them are too far off the 2500 CP max that the league allows for this competition. None of them will compare to trainers who have a Registeel and/or a Giranta, but not all trainers will have that perfect mix.

Less-experienced or more casual trainers might see talk of Pokémon GO’s Battle League and shrug it off thinking it isn’t for them. We hope that this feature, as well as a similar one about strong selections for the Great League, will have changed your minds on that. Yes, there is such a thing as the perfect team for Battle League competition, but trainers without that perfect combo can still compete in, succeed at, and enjoy all of GO Battle League’s various levels.

Source: Game Press

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