Pokemon GO Which Pokemon Can Be Ditto as of March 2019

Pokemon GO: Which Pokemon Can Be Ditto as of March 2019

Niantic updates the list of Pokemon that can be Ditto in its mobile augmented reality game Pokemon GO, and so here is the updated list for March 2019.

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Pokemon GO Which Pokemon Can Be Ditto as of March 2019

One of the more elusive Pokemon in Pokemon GO is the shape-shifting Ditto, which hides in plain sight as other Pokemon. Catching Ditto is important not just to fill out one’s Pokedex, but also to complete some of the Let’s GO, Meltan Special Research tasks for those trying to catch the mythical Pokemon Meltan, so it’s definitely something Pokemon GO fans will want to focus on.

The third page of the Let’s GO, Meltan Special Research tasks players with catching a Ditto, but since Ditto takes the form of other Pokemon, that can be tricky. Players could simply catch every Pokemon that they see, but a more cost-effective method would be to only use Pokeballs on the Pokemon that can actually be a Ditto in disguise.

If Niantic kept the same Pokemon as Ditto, this would be much easier, but the developer changes the list from time to time. Since the last time we advised Pokemon GO players on how to catch Ditto, the list has been changed quite a bit, and now a new batch of Pokemon can be Ditto.

Here are all the Pokemon that can be Ditto in Pokemon GO as of March 2019:

  • Gulpin
  • Hoothoot
  • Ledyba
  • Mankey
  • Paras
  • Remoraid
  • Sentret
  • Whismur
  • Venonat
  • Yanma
  • Zubat
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Pokemon GO players may notice that Pidgey and Rattata, two Pokemon that were well-known for transforming into Ditto, are no longer part of the lineup. This will make catching Ditto a little more difficult as Pidgey and Rattata are still fairly common in Pokemon GO, but the other Pokemon on the list are also relatively easy to find, and so it shouldn’t be a huge issue.

If Pokemon GO players focus on catching as many of the above Pokemon as possible, then they should catch Ditto eventually. In turn, they will have added an elusive Pokemon to their Pokedex and if they’re still working on the Meltan Special Research, they will be one step closer to completing it.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

See more : PokemonWe

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