Pokémon Home Is Already Crashing Under The Load

Pokémon Home Is Already Crashing Under The Load

No one is quite sure what is triggering Pokémon Home to crash, as users are being kicked out at seemingly unrelated times.

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Pokémon Home Is Already Crashing Under The Load

Pokémon Home just launched a day ago, but users are already reporting a whole host of technical problems. As an app that is meant to house all of trainers’ Pokémon across several different games, people are beginning to worry that their collections aren’t safe.

Making matters worse is the fact that there appear to be multiple glitches causing all the chaos. One issue is that the autofill password option doesn’t seem to be working properly, preventing trainers from linking their Nintendo and Pokémon Home accounts. Thankfully, players are reporting that by manually entering their credentials they can bypass this issue.

The woes don’t end there, however, as Home is randomly crashing during an active session. No one is quite sure what is triggering the crashes, as users are getting kicked out at seemingly unrelated times. While this is annoying, everyone’s data seems to be fine when they log back in.

The same can’t be said for player’s who stumble upon the Error 992 message. Many Pokémon Home players are reporting that this error occurs as they are trying to transfer their Pokémon from Pokémon Bank to Pokémon Home. After acknowledging the error, players are noticing that their collections are mysteriously — and disturbingly — missing. We can only hope that collections are being saved in a remote server, and a future patch can restore all these missing creatures.

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On a positive note, the app has only been out for about a day and the developer is hard at work trying to figure out all the kinks. An official response from The Pokémon Company is yet to come, but sooner or later it will have to address the elephant in the room. Many players had high expectations for Pokémon Home, as it was touted as the best way to build a complete Pokédex. Until all the bugs are addressed, it’s a risky proposition to even try opening the app.

Pokémon Home is available now on the Nintendo Switch, Google Play, and the App Store. Players can enroll in the Premium Plan for added benefits, but anyone looking to seriously use the software will almost certainly need to subscribe. A subscription costs $2.99 for one month or $15.99 for a full year.

Source: Polygon

See more : PokemonWe

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