Pokémon Pikachu Protestors Organize Against Pollution

Pokémon Pikachu Protestors Organize Against Pollution

Demonstrators at the United Nations’ climate conference dressed as the electric mouse Pikachu to protest Japan’s ongoing support of coal consumption.

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Protestors at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference dressed as Pokémon mascot Pikachu to combat Japan’s support for coal consumption. The United Nations’ 26th climate change conference, also referred to as COP26, is being held in Glasgow, Scotland between October 31 and November 12. Pikachu has always been considered the mascot of the entire Pokémon franchise, giving the electric mouse an inseparable link to Japan’s popular culture.

As Pokémon’s most well-known creature, Pikachu has inspired a great deal of merchandise and artistic tributes over the years. One Pokémon fan’s Pikachu laser art recently made headlines for its detail, novelty, and impressive size. The breathtaking monster mural was apparently created by a TikTok user who used mirrors to bounce around lasers of various different colors. With the mirrors strategically positioned, turning on all the lasers creates a truly awesome image of Pikachu charging up and getting ready for battle. A Pokémon Trainer hat and gloves, worn by the artist as they posed for the camera, completes the technological tribute to the world’s biggest monster collection franchise. Another gorgeous and extremely expensive tribute comes in the form of a Pikachu engagement ring, which can cost up to $10,000 depending on the chosen band.

A report by Eurogamer reveals that multiple demonstrators, gathering at COP26 in Glasgow to protest Japan’s support of coal consumption, arrived dressed as Pikachu. During the climate conference Japan refused to sign a pledge which would reduce their rate of coal consumption, with the country reportedly accounting for more than 18% of the world’s coal use. A video tweeted by PA Media shows off the group of inflatable electric mice, who held signs pleading with Japan to “stop funding coal” and “end coal.” While another protest in Glasgow led to five arrests, the peaceful Pikachus were not involved in that incident.

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Demonstrators dressed as Pikachu have gathered opposite the #Cop26 conference as climate protests continue in Glasgow pic.twitter.com/nLdGVr7kYS

2021 marks the 25-year anniversary of the Pokémon franchise, with the beloved monster collection series’ first game launching in 1996. Throughout the year many fans have paid tribute to the franchise, with many games such as Pokémon GO holding in-game events. One particularly memorable tribute came in the form of J. Balvin’s “Ten Cuidado” music video, which saw the Colombian rapper team up with Pikachu and Charizard. The adorable mouse and fearsome dragon, who remain two of the most recognizable Pokémon to this day, accompany the song’s Pokémon-inspired lyrics.

Climate change is an extremely hot topic, with many fighting to reduce humanity’s damage to the environment. Countries such as Japan seem unwilling to make truly drastic changes, leading to frustration and protest from climate protection supporters. While dressing up as Pikachu to protest climate change may seem silly, the electric mouse is a huge part of Japan’s entertainment world and plays a big role in popular culture around the world. By peacefully protesting at COP26 dressed as the Pokémon mascot, the demonstrators are able to attract more attention to their cause.

See more : PokemonWe

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