Pokemon Sun and Moon Legendaries Revealed!

Pokemon Sun and Moon Legendaries Revealed!

Nintendo releases a new trailer for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon that officially reveals the games’ new legendary Pokemon, detailing their types and new moves.

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Category : Pokemon

Nintendo releases a new trailer for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon that officially reveals the games’ new legendary Pokemon, detailing their types and new moves.

As much as a new setting, new characters, and a fresh approach to a tried and true gaming formula can excite fans of Nintendo’s Pokemon series, there’s nothing quite like discovering what a new game’s legendary Pokemon will be. They are the cover stars of their respective games, and millions of gamers enraptured by Pokemon’s charm and monster battling will immediately include the legendary creatures in their Pokemon lineups.

Luckily for fans worldwide, Nintendo has finally confirmed exactly what they can expect from Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon’s new legendaries. A new trailer released earlier today goes into detail about Solagleo, the emissary of the sun that resembles a kind of space lion, and Lunala, the emissary of the moon that appears regal and mysterious. Both Pokemon are Psychic base-types, although Solagleo is also a Steel-type while Lunala is also a Ghost-type.


Of course, fans already knew what the two new legendaries looked like thanks to an earlier reveal that included the new starter Pokemon for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon as well, but the new details are an exciting prospect nonetheless. There has only been one Psychic/Ghost-type in the history of Pokemon up to this point, and only six Psychic/Steel-types, so Lunala and Solagleo will both bring something fairly unique to the table, and they’ll likely be the strongest iterations of these type combinations gamers have ever seen.

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These legendaries also have some potential implications for the competitive Pokemon video game scene, as Solagleo and Lunala have new abilities that haven’t existed within the games until now. Solagleo has the Full Metal Body ability, which makes it immune to stat alterations, and Lunala has the Shadow Shield ability, which means it will take less damage from attacks that hit it when it has full HP. If legendaries are on the table competitively, there’s a chance either of these Pokemon makes the cut, hopefully alongside some new Pokemon mega evolutions that gamers have been clamoring for.

Of course, at their core, the new Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon legendaries are flashy and cool takes on the legendary slots present in every Pokemon game. Solagleo and Lunala are yet more evidence that Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will be a return to form for the Pokemon series, a strong entry that could enthrall a whole new generation of Pokemon trainers once it releases later this year.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will be available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS on November 18, 2016.

Source: YouTube

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