Pokemon Unites Scoring System Needs A Massive Overhaul

Pokemon Unite’s Scoring System Needs A Massive Overhaul

Pokemon Unite’s scoreboard weighting is completely unfair on people who play Support or Defender roles.

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Pokemon Unites Scoring System Needs A Massive Overhaul

When I say Pokemon Unite’s scoring system needs a massive overhaul, I’m not necessarily talking about the literal process of scoring points during a match. Instead, I’m far more interested in the post-game scoreboard, which purports to evaluate individual performances on both sides but actually serves as a grossly inaccurate measure of ability. Sure, your MVP Greninja probably did alright, but only because they were propped up by Eldegoss and Blastoise, both of whom have the lowest point totals on your team on account of being tied to Support and Defender roles, respectively. It’s no wonder everyone and their granny wants to play Zeraora every match.

Other competitive games function differently, offering more tailored performance evaluations based on the specific role you play. Unite, to some extent, also does this – there are medals for each category that reward you for being the best Speedster or All-Rounder, for example. Ultimately, though, these are all a bit pointless. Barely anybody even knows what the medals mean given that Unite is extremely arcane about… everything, really. You don’t even get any indication of the score outside of occasional ‘we’re in the lead!’ messages. It’s all a bit odd.

I don’t really care about the lack of a concrete score, nor do I think Zapdos is broken beyond repair, contrary to popular opinion towards the Legendary Bird’s enormous influence on the outcome of a match. I am, however, traditionally a tank and support main in pretty much every online game I play. When you’re rewarded for playing these roles instead of just locking DPS as if your life depended on it, they’re immensely worthwhile. When you keep a clean sheet in top lane as Blastoise, though, and still somehow come last on your team on account of not dunking as many orbs as Absol, things quickly become disheartening. Your massive impact on your team is relegated to a bottom-rung position on the final scoreboard. Given the serotonin that comes from teammates seeing how well you performed in an online game, it’s no wonder everyone wants to go for the killers and slam dunkers all the time. Greninja is always going to place higher than Wigglytuff, despite the latter’s excellent build potential and ability to completely swing a near defeat into a roaring victory.

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It’s a bit petty in some ways – a bit ‘notice me senpai’. I think it’s fair though. I’ve played games as Absol in Veteran tier and finished with 25 solo kills and over 400 points scored. Naturally, I got quite a few friend requests from both teams after the match. The thing is, I played a game as Mamoswine over the weekend and did way more – I didn’t get as many kills or score as many points, but I farmed Drednaw to swing the level economy in our favour, conceded less than 20 points on the first goal in bottom lane, and opted for a build that specifically – and successfully – made use of crowd control abilities to nick Zapdos from the other team. It was a significantly stronger performance than the Absol one. Where did I place on the leaderboard, you ask? Dead last. Gengar probably thought I was rubbish.

I know Unite already has medals, ten of which are designed to cater to specific roles. There are also another six medals tied to assists, points, kills, blocks, damage received, and healing – but again, nobody cares about medals. What’s more, medals don’t even influence the additional performance points you get after a match. They are completely cosmetic, which is a bit ironic in a game that places so much emphasis on cosmetics that it recently introduced a Ninetales skin priced at $40.

Pokemon Unite’s scoring system needs to be reworked to account for what each individual role is designed to do. As it stands, players are punished for doing their jobs properly. Eldegoss prioritising healing over scoring? Last place. Snorlax blocking goals left, right, and centre? Bottom of the barrel. Lucario making use of its balanced build to help whatever ‘mon is currently most in need? Dead. Bloody. Last. Bit stupid when you think about it for more than ten seconds, eh?

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