Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Pokémon: What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

There is a Pokémon that is perfectly suited to every fan’s taste, but what does your favorite Pokémon say about you as a person?

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Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Each Pokémon has a wild and unique personality. But what personality is your favorite? And what does it say about you?

Not one teen or adult hasn’t heard about Pokémon. Many have built their lives on collecting the cards, playing the games, and watching the anime. And with the release of Pokémon Snap and the continuing success of the anime, it seems like this franchise is never going to end! Not that anyone is complaining.

Ultimately, one of the main reasons for the anime’s success is its adorable and memorable Pokémon. They all have such individual personalities and are unbelievably cute, so it just becomes a given that everyone has their favorite. So, let’s see what your favorite Pokémon says about you.

10 Chansey

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

As one of Nurse Joys’ main Pokémon, Chansey is loved among viewers and trainers alike. This creature is so cute and clearly shares the same morals as its trainer from the few times viewers get to see it following the lovely Nurse Joy.

Ultimately, if your favorite Pokémon is Chansey then it’s likely that you put others before yourself whenever you can. You enjoy caring for others and are usually the ‘parent’ of your friendship group, always making sure everyone has water or sunscreen on a trip to the beach. You’re kind, caring, and supportive. But it’s important to take care of yourself, your need to look after others can mean you forget about your own.

9 Pikachu

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

It’s not like Pikachu is exactly unknown and is undeniably quite a few people’s favorite Pokemon. After all, it’s Ash’s excitable and absolutely adorable companion! Who wouldn’t love this adorable little thing? Nevertheless, having Pikachu as your favorite says rather a lot about you.

The first thing is pretty obvious. You’re extremely excitable and passionate when talking about hobbies or things you enjoy doing, but only around the people you trust. When surrounded by strangers you prefer to blend into the crown and remain relatively unseen. You’re loyal, trustworthy, and pretty nostalgic, just remember to live in the present and never be afraid to stand out!

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8 Togepi

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

When it comes to the beginning of the anime, Togepi was pretty famous! It’s not a favorite among many gamers and collectors due to its lack of power, but what it doesn’t have in power it makes up with by being absolutely adorable! Misty’s lovely companion warmed the hearts of every fan and quickly became a fan favorite, even after it evolved into Togetic.

Ultimately, if you thought people who like Pikachu were nostalgic, those fans of Togepi were born in the wrong era! They love the nostalgia of the first series and will undoubtedly rewatch and dream of playing the original games for the first time so they can experience the joy they had when they originally played it as a child. It’s likely that you grew up with Pokémon at the forefront and are all the better off for it. You’re kind, friendly, and extremely passionate about Pokémon, even more so when they’re unbelievably cute.

7 Meowth

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Meowth is an extremely unique Pokémon, but most fans can’t say that any Meowth is their favorite, and it’s always the one with Team Rocket. Meowth is an incredible Pokemon who taught itself to talk and walk on its hind legs. Despite working with the bad guys, Meowth doesn’t seem to have any good or bad intentions and just likes going with the flow.

If your favorite Pokémon is Meowth then you’re pretty smart! You surround yourself with intellect and love to learn more whenever you can. You wouldn’t describe yourself as kind, but also hardly mean, rather opting to tell people the truth instead of lying to make them feel better. You’re driven, motivated, and loyal to the bone.

6 Charmander

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

This firey Pokémon is excitable, adorable, and extremely lovable. As one of the 3 original starter Pokémon, Charmander quickly became a fan favorite and is undeniably loved throughout the Pokémon franchise. Ultimately, it’s a pretty common favorite to have, and rightly so.

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However, if Charmander is your favorite Pokémon then the chances are you’re similar to the fans of Pikachu. It’s likely that you either grew up with Pokémon or were shown it by a sibling or parent. Nevertheless, you’re incredibly nostalgic, passionate, and loyal. You’d do anything for your friends, even if that means using that fire inside of you to protect those you’re loyal to. You’re not afraid to speak your mind and even less afraid to do what you love.

5 Bulbasaur

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Despite being another original starter, Bulbasaur couldn’t be more unique. This adorable creature is the complete opposite of Charmander and Squirtle, opting for calmness and serenity over excitability. Nevertheless, this wonderful creature is understandably a fan favorite and will remain that way for years to come.

Those who love Bulbasaur the most are pretty in touch with nature. They love all things plants and probably have a fair few in their house or bedroom. In public or around strangers they’re cool, calm, and collected. However, around friends, they are joyful, excitable, and extremely passionate. Fans of Bulbasaur have no trouble or need to hide their loves and passions, in fact, they are built by them.

4 Squirtle

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Squirtle is a wonderful Pokémon that so many fans adore. The water-type Pokémon just always seems joyful and happy to just go along with life and float along. It may not be the most prominent Pokémon in the anime but it’s undeniably beloved by many.

If Squirtle is your favorite Pokémon then you’re one of two things. You’re either incredibly excitable or you love going with the flow. Either way, you’re kind, you don’t like standing out in a crowd unless you have control over it, and best of all, you’re always content with the circumstances around you. It may get tough but that happiness and that determination to get back to happiness is what drives you through those hard times.

3 Eevee

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Just like Pikachu, Eevee is one of the most popular Pokémon in the games and the anime. It’s a wonderfully versatile Pokémon who is undeniably cute and easily pleased. Sakura’s companion was a delight to watch and most certainly got a few people into making Eevee their favorite Pokémon.

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If that was indeed the case then you’ll be happy to know that this means you are likely an extremely versatile person who is ready for anything life throws at them. You’re extremely kind to everyone around you and love affection, platonic or otherwise. If you were to ask those around you what they thought they’d say you’re a delight to be around and that they can never get enough of you.

2 Mew

Pokémon What Your Favorite Creature Says About You

Most people choose their favorite Pokémon based on a wonderful story arc or its cuteness, or in this case, its power. Each to their own, but Mew is one of the cutest Pokémon in the game. Not only that, but it dominates the field when it comes to power and a story arc. This wonderful Pokémon is at the forefront of most Pokémon movies and remains one of the most powerful Pokémon in the franchise.

Those who like Mew the most are undeniably competitive. They aren’t huge fans of losing but will take it on the chin if they think it was a fair fight. They keep to themselves most of the time but secretly love to win and feel in power. That being said, when the time comes, they’ll protect what’s right until the end of their days.

1 Charizard

Charizard fans are pretty similar to Mew fans, just a little less intense and a little quicker to anger. After all, Charizard is known to be one of the most famous and badass Pokémon in the franchise. Charizard is a wonderful upgrade from Charmander and is absolutely a fan favorite and rightly so.

If Charizard is your favorite then you’re usually the arguer of the friendship group and love to protect your friends. You’re quick to anger but logical and serious when you need to be. You’re also extremely passionate and love to be right. You can be a little too serious sometimes and many will tell you to let loose, but you do you!

See more : PokemonWe

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