PS5 Exclusive Games Will Be Coming To PS4 Through 2022 Sony Suggests

PS5 Exclusive Games Will Be Coming To PS4 Through 2022, Sony Suggests

The CEO of PlayStation suggested in an interview that PlayStation 5 exclusive games could potentially come to the PlayStation 4 as late as 2022.

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PS5 Exclusive Games Will Be Coming To PS4 Through 2022 Sony Suggests

PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan suggests that Sony-exclusive games for PlayStation 5 will likely continue to release on the PlayStation 4 into 2022. With the PlayStation 5’s release on the horizon, it would be normal to assume that the PlayStation 4 is on its very last legs, but Ryan’s statements serve as a reminder that these are anything but normal times. That means millions of PS4 users may get to use the platform for a few more years and play many of the same exclusives as its successor while Sony continues to work under strained COVID-19 precautions to make enough PS5s to make a dent in player demand.

The upcoming PlayStation 5 has captured the attention of what feels like the entire world over the last few months, which has sadly led to a lot of issues for the new platform. When the PlayStation 5 first became available for preorder, things instantly descended into absolute chaos online as it sold out in mere moments. Websites crashed and many users were not able to get their hands on the console, and even now preorders have yet to open back up. It is seemingly increasingly likely that many gamers won’t be able to get their hands on the PlayStation 5 on release day, and the likely reason lies in COVID-19 production shortages despite record-breaking pre-orders.

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In an interview with, Jim Ryan heavily suggested that PlayStation 5 games would be coming to the PS4 for a few more years at least. At one point during the interview Ryan is talking about how important PlayStation 4 users are to Sony and how they want to continue keeping them engaged and happy for awhile still. He seems to suggest that major releases will still end up in PS4 players as far in the future as 2022, explaining:

“Obviously, our eyes and our horizons have lifted with regards to what’s possible with that PS4 community, based on what we’ve observed over the last six months. That can be quite powerful, because in 2021, 2022… that PS4 community that we’ve spoken about, they will be the vast majority of people on PlayStations during that time. It is crucial that we keep them engaged and happy. And the last six months have demonstrated that we could do that to an extent that we didn’t think possible when we were setting our minds pre-COVID.”

Ryan also spoke at length about the possibility of Sony acquiring other game studios in order to compete with Nintendo and Microsoft, especially after the latter purchased Bethesda. While Ryan does not rule out the possibility of purchasing other groups, he believes that PlayStation already has a host of impressive studios to keep it competitive. He cites Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch both as studios that provide experiences that can’t be acquired anywhere other than with PlayStation.

The PlayStation 4 is widely regarded as one of the best video game consoles that has ever released, and for very good reason. Considering how many excellent exclusive experiences it has provided players with it is no wonder that the console has been so successful. For that reason, it is exciting to know that the PlayStation 4 will be relevant at least for a couple more years if Sony follows through on this plan (if it even has any option not to do so).

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