Red Hoods Biggest Future Twist is Guaranteed To Shock Batman Fans

Red Hood’s Biggest Future Twist is Guaranteed To Shock Batman Fans

In DC’s Future State: Gotham, it’s just been revealed that the Red Hood hasn’t been working as a double agent for the person he thought he was.

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Red Hoods Biggest Future Twist is Guaranteed To Shock Batman Fans

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Future State: Gotham #7

In the latest issue of DC Comics’ Future State: Gotham, it’s been revealed that Red Hood has not been working for Batman as previously believed. In a major twist, someone much more nefarious and sinister has been pulling the strings, working against both the Magistrate, which has taken over Gotham City in the future, as well as the surviving members of the Bat-Family who have become a resistance movement. However, while Jason Todd thought he knew who he was working for he’s come to realize that he’s been majorly played.

In previous issues of Future State: Gotham, Red Hood has become Peacekeeper Red, working for the Magistrate while secretly gathering intel for Batman as a double agent. However, this has put him at odds with Nightwing and the rest of the Bat-Family, seeing as how he’s been keeping his true intentions and Batman being alive a secret, leading them to believe that he’s simply betrayed them. Tragically, the new Future State: Gotham #7 from Joshua Williamson, Dennis Culver, and Giannis Milonogiannis has revealed that Jason Todd never needed to become estranged from his family at all had he known who he was really working for.

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While Red Hood and the new Batman, Jace Fox, save the Bat-Family and prevent the chaos that has been created by Warmonger using Mad Hatter mind-control tech, the Red Hood begins to put the pieces together in the aftermath that something deeper is going on. Meeting with “Bruce Wayne” in a shadowy alley as they have been, Jason demands to know who he really is and why he gave Red Hood bad intel. Not only has he provided misleading evidence that the new Batman is the one responsible for the latest attack on Gotham, but that he must have helped Warmonger get his hands on the Hatter tech in the first place. While he doesn’t reveal himself to Red Hood by the issue’s end, it is revealed on the final page that “Bruce Wayne” is really Tommy Elliot, otherwise known as the classic Batman villain Hush.

With Hush being revealed as the man in the shadows, it makes total sense that Jason thought he’d been working for Batman all this time, seeing as how Elliot performed surgery on his own face long ago to make himself look like Bruce Wayne, modeling himself after his old childhood friend turned rival. Having known for years that Bruce is Batman, it looks like Hush has been taking advantage of Bruce’s disappearance (and widely presumed death) to mess with both the Bat-Family and Magistrate by manipulating Red Hood. However, it also looks like he’s working with the New Joker, a future foe who will soon be revealed in the issues to come.

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While it’s unfortunate that the sacrifices Jason has made to be a hero in secret have truly been in service to a villain, at least he finally knows that “Bruce Wayne” is not who he says he is and can try and take him down. In any case, the reveal that Red Hood had been working for Hush and not Batman in Gotham’s future is a pretty major and surprising twist only a few likely saw coming.

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