Renegades Staff Walk Out Due To Alleged Creepy Abusive Behavior From CEO

Renegades Staff Walk Out Due To Alleged Creepy, Abusive Behavior From CEO

Several employees of the North American esports organization Renegades walked out of the company last week.

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Several employees of the North American esports organization Renegades walked out of the company last week.

This was prompted by the behavior of their CEO, Chris Roumayeh, who has been described as abusive on several levels. It included screaming tirades, verbal harassment, and several late or even missed payments. The latter, however, is also blamed on the organization’s supposed accountant, Xavier Endress, who was forbidden from working with any association by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in the United States in 2016.

The mass resignations, which took place on March 6th, took the esports world by complete surprise. According to an unnamed source, cited by, the organization only employs eight people not specifically affiliated with any pro team – and now seven of them have walked out. This was also one of the reasons for their decision – they have had to fill positions that were not their own without any additional compensation. When asked about additional pay for their efforts, Roumayeh allegedly told his employees that they work for the CEO, not the organization.

A recording, referenced by Dot Esports, has a staffer confront Roumayeh about him allegedly using social media to contact attractive women, pretending to be offering them a chance for a partnership with the company. To that, Roumayeh replied that his efforts were supposed to grow the team’s social networks: “Sex does sell, right? […] This isn’t the first time we’ve reached out to a, whatever-you-wanna-call-em, ‘boob streamer.’ Would you rather we reached out to some really really, like, horrendous person?”

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The verbal abuse does not end at “boob streamer,” unfortunately. One of his quotes from the recording was also: “I could put you under a microscope bro and I’m sure I could find a lot of shit, a lot of shit, a lot of shit.” Another source claims Roumayeh called him a “f*cking idiot.” This was all too often part of his common screaming verbal tirades, both in person and over the phone, that seem to have cost the organization potential player signings and sponsorship deals.

The timing of the walkout is also no coincidence: until late January 2020, operations director Jeff Tyler served as a sort of buffer between Roumayeh and the employees – but he left the position for one with the Houston Outlaws. Whether or not the organization will suffer the consequences remains to be seen, but others in leadership positions would do well to learn from this example and treat their employees like, well, human beings.

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