Rumor Patrol PlayStation 5 Specs & Details Leaked

Rumor Patrol: PlayStation 5 Specs & Details Leaked

A new report leaks information about the rumored PlayStation 5, including its specs and that it may arrive sooner than later.

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Rumor Patrol PlayStation 5 Specs & Details Leaked

Although it is only speculation at this point, there are a lot of rumors flying around about the upcoming PlayStation 5 and the next generation of video game consoles. If one new rumor proves true, though, the specs for the PS5 are highly impressive.

The rumor comes via a site called SemiAccurate, which has some credibility, thanks to previously correct leaked information about the Nintendo Switch and the PS4. The site claims that Sony will continue working with AMD products, with the PS5 using AMD Navi for graphics and the AMC Zen for its CPU. It also confirmed rumors that Sony has already released devkits to some developers, which could mean that the new console will arrive sooner than anyone ever imagined. Although 2019 is the release year most might consider, the site does not rule out a 2018 release based on just how many devkits are now out there in the wild. The PS5 could also have “VR Goodies” offered as part of its features, meaning that it would work seamlessly with PlayStation VR.

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According to PlayStation Universe, SemiAccurate is not a site that just makes things up and puts it on the Internet. The site has leaked information about consoles before and that information proved true later on. It also seems to further confirm the previous rumors that surfaced about a month ago about devkits going out. Those rumors came from Marcus Sellars, another reliable source of leaked information. Sony also recently applied for a patent for backwards technology compatibility, which would likely be for a new console, rather than for an existing one. However, Sony still consistently states that gamers should not expect an announcement about the PS5 anytime soon. So what gives?

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Gaming consoles are hot commodities right now, with the current generation being the fastest selling in history. Both the Xbox One and the PS4 released in 2013, with Sony following that up with PlayStation VR and the upgraded PS4 Pro in 2016. The company also recently dropped the price of PlayStation VR to $300: was this in anticipation of getting more VR units out the door and ready for the next generation of PS consoles?

With these new leak specs and more buzz out there about the PS5, only one question remains: are video gamers and developers ready for the next generation of consoles? Consoles are not cheap and the current generation has just recently found its niche. Also, video game developers still seem slowed down in creating games for this generation of machines, with many games getting delayed, while others get released with multiple glitches and bugs. Sure, the PS5 might arrive soon, but does anyone really want it to?

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Source: PlayStation Universe

Robin Burks is an entertainment and science/technology writer, as well as a published author, avid con-goer and costumer/cosplayer. She currently writes about pop culture and entertainment for, but has also written for and Robin is also the author of a series of speculative fiction novels: Zeus, Inc.; The Curse of Hekate; and Return of The Titans. In 2014, Indie Reader named the protagonist of that series, Alex Grosjean, as one of its Top Five Smart, Strong and Relatable Female Characters. The series was also inducted into the 2018 Darrell Awards Coger Hall of Fame in Memphis, TN. Since then, she has published her fourth novel, Madame Vampire, and is currently working on a series of young adult novels. Robin, who currently lives in Missouri with her five cats, loves all things French and has a serious obsession with Doctor Who. Visit Robin’s website for more information on her fiction work or to contact her.

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