Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

Sifu: How To Beat Sean The Fighter

Learn how to beat Sean the Fighter without breaking a sweat.

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Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

Sifu’s second level, The Club, is arguably the hardest in the whole game. Even once you unlock the shortcut, there are still three difficult fights to take on before going toe to toe with the boss, Sean the Fighter. Fortunately, Sean is one of the easier boss fights in Sifu. All the same, you might need some tips and help beating him.

The following guide is here to help. Ultimately, the three trials are harder than the boss fight, so we will give you some strategies for taking these foes on. We’ll also let you know how to spare Sean, which is required to unlock the game’s true ending.

The Three Trials

Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

The series of fights in The Club before the three trials are fairly standard. You might die a few times, but don’t sweat it. Once you unlock the shortcut you can bypass these during subsequent runs.

The three trials, however, are mandatory in each run. The three fights are as follows: a room full of normal enemies, some of whom have weapons; a one-on-one fight against a strong foe wielding a long pole; and two strong foes, a woman who focuses on kicks and a man who uses punches.

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The First Trial

Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

If you are well versed in Sifu’s combat, this room will not cause a problem. Just hit the first enemy as soon as possible to enact a quick takedown. One of the enemies will block the takedown and turn into a stronger enemy (the ones with the light flames surrounding them). If you want to avoid this, don’t enact the takedown on any of them and just deplete their health bars. Just time your parries and dodges accordingly, and you should not have trouble here.

The Second Trial

Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

This trial is a fight against a woman using a long pole. It is best to disarm her right away. While she is talking, do a Slide Kick and hit her while she is on the ground. This will knock the pole right out of her hand. It is much easier to block and dodge her moves when she is without a weapon. She has a sweep kick, so keep this in mind and be ready to dodge low attacks. Try not to let her pick up the pole again, either.

The Third Trial

Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

The third trial is easily the hardest. If the two enemies here attack you at the same time, you are likely to take heavy damage or even lose a life. With this in mind, we recommend running toward the one on the right first and doing a Slide Kick to take out a good chunk of her health. It will buy you some time to attack before you attack the second enemy’s attention.

Once the second enemy comes at you, use a Strong Sweep Focus to momentarily incapacitate him until you defeat the other. Once she is defeated, it is much easier to defeat the man in a one-on-one bout. His most common combo is two punches and then a kick. Parry the first two and then dodge the glowing hit at the end. A few of these and then he should be defeated. Just keep the fight away from the stairs and the small platform. If you fall down these while stumbling backward, it adds a lot of damage to the attack.

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Sean The Fighter: First Phase

Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

Sean the Fighter attacks you with a long pole. You can easily dodge his horizontal attacks by dodging low. When he attacks horizontally, dodge to the side. After each combo, land a few punches to eat at his health. Repeat this, and he should be easily moved into his second phase. Most attacks are easy to block as well and don’t hurt your Structure too much.

Sean The Fighter: Second Phase

Sifu How To Beat Sean The Fighter

His moves during the second phase do not change dramatically, though he is stronger. He also adds in a sweep move. When you see him swing the pole over his head, be ready to dodge a low attack. All his other moves are also quite easy to read. To speed up this process, don’t forget to use Strong Sweep Focus when the Focus Bar fills up.

Sparing Sean The Fighter

To Spare Sean the Fighter, you have to build up his Structure Bar. Once the yellow bar is completely full, he will be dazed. During the first phase, you are still free to do as much damage as possible. Once you reach the second phase, play more defensively. Parry his regular moves and dodge to make sure he does not break your structure.

Once you build up his Structure Bar and daze him the first time, wait until he regains composure. Build up the bar again and then when he is dazed you can choose to spare him. Because you will be blocking and parrying, your Shrine upgrades during this run should focus more on building up Structure and increasing the Structure recovery from dodges.

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