SpiderMan Saves A Life With The Power Of Boogers

Spider-Man Saves A Life With The Power Of Boogers

Spider-Man’s new brother, Shift, is in big trouble, but Miles Morales manages to save his life in a totally new – and very gross – fashion.

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SpiderMan Saves A Life With The Power Of Boogers

Warning: contains spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29!

Spider-Man has saved a life through the power of snot. Miles Morales is best-known for saving the “little guy” in New York; while he’s more than happy to defend the Earth against the occasional alien invasion, he’s usually a street-level hero who helps others through mundane means. In Spider-Man: Miles Morales #29, written by Saladin Ahmed with art by Chris Allen and colors by David Curiel, Miles saves his adopted brother through the most mundane means of all: a sneeze.

Miles’s Clone Saga is finally over, though the web-slinger’s had incredible difficulty reaching the end. Unlike Peter Parker’s Clone Saga, this one involved three clones: the leader Selim, multi-limbed Mindspinner and Shift, who can move and distribute a large mass around his body at will. But the cells of all the clones are unstable and will eventually break down; even after defeating Selim and Mindspinner, Shift (who has switched sides to fight alongside Miles) is living on borrowed time.

Miles and his friend Ganke descend underground where Shift is hiding from the public (his grotesque appearance makes living a normal, aboveground life difficult). The two set about finding a cure, but Shift’s cells appear to be normal, save for a few odd-looking antibodies in his system. Then Miles has a eureka moment and explains his discovery to Ganke. “Billie sneezed on Shift the night we fought. A big ol’ snot rocket. He probably never even washed it off.” He deduces that the snot prompted Shift’s body to produced “crazy clone antibodies” that fought off the infection and prevented his cells from breaking down.

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In the previous issue, Selim kidnapped Miles’ baby sister Billie, but Shift – upon seeing a child in mortal danger – protected her, shielding her with his body while Miles fought off Selim. Billie did indeed sneeze right on Shift’s nose…but there’s an undercurrent of tragedy to this moment. Miles accidentally destroyed the lab of the clones, which is how he learned they were all slowly dying. When Selim discovered his handiwork, Miles offered to help all the clones find a cure to their cellular degeneration, but Selim angrily spurned the offer. If all three clones had accepted Miles’s help, surely the cure – antibodies brought on by a cold – could have easily been discovered.

Thanks to Billie’s boogers, Shift no longer has to worry about his cellular degeneration. Miles is ultimately a forgiving person, and it payed off – if he hadn’t forgiven Shift for his earlier actions as part of the clone collective, Shift wouldn’t have held Billie, ergo no life-saving sneeze. However indirect the methodology may be, Miles Morales is responsible for saving yet another life as Spider-Man.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-miles-morales-shift-brother-snot-clone/

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