SpiderWoman is Back! But Whats Wrong With Her

Spider-Woman is Back! But What’s Wrong With Her?

Spider-Woman is getting her own ‘explosive’ new comic series. Jessica Drew is angry, unwell, and determined to keep her life together.

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SpiderWoman is Back! But Whats Wrong With Her

Jessica Drew is back! In their upcoming solicits, Marvel Comics had previously announced a new series for the popular hero, appropriately entitled Spider-Woman. Now it seems that in the coming series, something isn’t sitting right with Jessica — finding herself in a new, non-superhero related job.

The book will see Drew dealing with personal problems, rendering her angry, easily irritated, and in desperate need of punching something. So to take her mind off things and get back to something resembling a regular life, she’s taking a job in security. However, someone or something is trying to take her out. Marvel is calling the series “explosive,” and it sounds as though Drew’s own rage will be explored in the coming title. The series will be written by Karla Pacheco with art by Pere Perez and cover work by Junggeun Yoon.

It’s nothing new for Jessica to take on an odd job. In the character’s history, she’s been everything from a bounty hunter to a private investigator. So, working in security makes sense — as does the timing of the series. Spider-Woman hasn’t had her own ongoing title since 2017’s Spider-Woman from Dennis Hopeless, Javier Rodriguez, and Veronica Fish. Jessica has shown up in event and crossover books like Secret Empire and Spider-Geddon, but it’s about time the spotlight was back on her.

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Bringing Jessica back might also be an indication that she could play a role in 2022’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2. While there hasn’t been an official announcement Spider-Woman will appear in the popular animated movie’s sequel, it would make a ton of sense for her to show up as she’s one of the most popular spider-adjacent characters in Marvel’s Universe. Marvel joked in the announcement that this is the real Jessica Drew and not the version that turned out to a Skrull from New Avengers and Secret Invasion. That’s for the best. Read the full synopsis below:

Jessica Drew hasn’t been feeling like herself lately (she’s not a Skrull, we promise). When the angry, irritable, and unwell Spider-Woman takes a simple security gig to help get back on her feet, she finds herself besieged by unknown forces out to destroy everything around her. What’s wrong with Jessica? Just how DID she get this job? And who are these violent lunatics who keep trying to blow her up? WHO CARES? Does Spider-Woman have someone to punch? THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS. An explosive new series that pushes Spider-Woman into new heights of action and adventure from the mad minds of Karla Pacheco and Pere Pérez, this is the Spider-Woman book you’ve been waiting for!

But why is Spider-Woman so angry and unwell? Has one of her old foes returned? Are the Avengers no longer returning her calls? We’ll find out when the book hits shelves in March 2020.

Lead writer for Screen Rant’s comic team. [email protected]. Find me on Twitter @LiamRMcGuire for comic news and reporting.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/marvel-spiderwoman-new-comic/

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