Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

Star Trek: 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

One thing most Star Trek fans can agree on is that a shining part of Discovery is Commander Saru. Here are 10 reasons why he’s the best character.

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Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery has been a hit or miss adventure for a lot of Star Trek fans. It broke a lot of classic Star Trek rules, abandoning the episodic formula and, instead, turning into a high action series with an overarching plot. While people can argue about the stories of Discovery, at least the world is really dazzling.

However, one thing most Trekkies can agree with is that a shining part of Discovery is Commander Saru. A Kelpien played by the fantastic Doug Jones, has been a breakout star. He’s not just a highlight though; arguably Saru is the best thing happening in this Star Trek show.

10 Character Development

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

While Discovery has a lot of character-driven drama, few of them get actual growth arcs. One of the few that do though, Commander Saru, is a fascinating and complex character. He spent all of the first season struggling with his friendly affection for Michael Burnham and his grave disappointment and anger towards her for contributing to the passing of their beloved captain. Season two, he reached the peak of being at peace with who his species was as a scared, prey species and how that was the way he would end his life. Only to have his life not end at all.

Then, Saru found his own confidence and sense of injustice, which strengthened him as a character who fully understood fear and bravery. The man he grew into is so compelling and fans have to love him for it.

9 Relationship With Michael

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

Even if their relationship is contentious at times, Saru’s relationship with Michael is one of the best parts of the show. They both were mentored and “raised” by Phillipa Georgiou, and both dealt with her passing differently. Saru buried himself in work, and Michael buried herself in guilt and blame. However, as colleagues and as pseudo-siblings, Saru and Michael learned to forgive and lean on each other to grow.

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Before Saru’s almost-end, they accepted each other with love and kindness. For all Discovery’s flaws, they did Saru and Michael right. And that has a lot to do with the subtle emotions and wisdom of Saru.

8 Inspiring Ambition

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

Saru was the first Kelpian ever to join Starfleet, and his story is a unique one. He stole technology to create a beacon to leave the planet because he was convinced there was a better life out there. Even if it meant never coming home again, he was desperate to learn more about the worlds beyond.

But Saru didn’t stop once he joined Starfleet. He wasn’t satisfied with just being among the stars, he wanted to be the best. He became a stellar Starfleet officer, using a mix of his own unique abilities and scientific skill to aid his captains. His advice was invaluable and Saru helped save many lives.

7 Creature Design

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

While good writing and acting make up most of a great character, when that character is alien, their design can be just as important. Lucky for Saru, his design is stellar. The artists clearly worked with the actor and their concepts to make the most fitting, dynamic, seamless alien they could. The prosthetics accentuate Doug Jones’ already thin, lanky frame, his fringe is an amazingly effective tool narratively and visually and the way his different facial tissue moves is fantastic.

Sure, Saru is amazing because he’s amazing. But the artists behind his look really pulled that all together to make him feel so real and authentic. No wonder fans fell head over heels for him.

6 Saving His People

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

When Saru started his Starfleet career, he was resigned to do his best to represent his people and never see his homeworld again. However, after learning the truth about their evolution, he knew he needed to right the wrongs of their history.

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Watching Saru turn into a literal warrior in the face of danger, after cowering for so long, was so emotional. The Kelpiens deserved better than to be shoved into slavery out of fear. And not only did Saru dream of helping his people, but he did do it. With his ship and his scientific knowledge, all the Kelpians evolved as they should have.

5 Life-Changing Curiosity

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

Kelpiens spent all of their lives in fear for centuries. Despite that ingrained suffering and reaction, Saru was an endlessly curious person and was willing to risk his life for that. He could have been destroyed, trying to make a beacon to Starfleet. But instead, Starfleet came and Saru got to sate his curiosity about how the rest of the galaxy worked.

He changed his fate just because he wanted to learn so badly. If nothing else makes Saru interesting, this at least makes him a compelling character. Especially since the price of his curiosity was so high.

4 Doug Jones

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

A prolific sci-fi fantasy actor, Doug Jones has played many fantastic creatures and aliens over the years. He’s particularly worked closely with Guillermo Del Toro, the creature movie king himself. Jones has played The Faun, Abe Sapien, Amphibian Man, and more. His frame and acting-style have been refined so he’s a master at becoming fantastical, unique characters and creatures. The control he has over his body movements, voice, and mannerisms is supreme.

For a newcomer to Discovery, but not sci-fi flicks, Doug Jones is more than enough reason to watch the show. And of course, that means Saru has to be the best character because Doug Jones is amazing.

3 Kelpien Nature

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

Starfleet is known for its countless brave men and women. Even its more timid characters all have their moments to shine being the hero. So, it’s absolutely fascinating to have a great Starfleet officer whose first instinct is often to run. Even better, it’s not that he’s wrong when he feels this way, it’s just that his unique Kelpian nature makes that his default choice, unlike his human counterparts.

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It’s easy to say being a Kelpian makes Saru scared, but it’s more complex than that. In an organization full of humans, people like him give diverse perspectives to the homogeneity. Seeing his Kelpian nature on-screen is bold and brave in its own way. Everyone sees humans standing tall and making grand speeches all the time. But Saru’s are shorter, wiser, and far more interesting.

2 Bedroom Decor

Star Trek 10 Reasons Saru Is The Best Character On Discovery

The man lives in a mini grassland filled with flowers and other flora. Aesthetically, it’s beautiful. A bedroom says a lot about a person. Just by looking at Saru’s room, how can someone not love him? It’s serene, peaceful and full of life. Sure, someone can gush about a great looking room, but it’s a reflection of Saru and it only makes him more lovable.

In all of Trek, every character has stuck with the relatively sterile metal walls and rooms. Many add personal touches, but they don’t make a whole new biome out of it. Saru truly is someone unique and special.

1 Captain Saru

Discovery is heading into its third season, and it’s still up in the air who the next captain will be. Many fans speculate (and hope) that it’ll be Saru. He has the seniority, he’s grown so much as a character, and he has the respect of the entire crew. The dude deserves it.

Even better, though, if he did become captain, he would be the first Kelpian captain in Starfleet, manning a ship in the far future. Nothing about his life has been ordinary, so this is just the natural progression of his character. Saru deserves the role he has definitely earned over the seasons. If he was captain, it’d only make him better.

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