Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

From clones to Master/Apprentices to romances, amazing duos are prominent throughout Star Wars, and The Clone Wars has plenty of them.

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Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

One of the best things The Clone Wars did for the Star Wars canon was that it added depth, quality, and complexity to not only established characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan but also duos, again, like Anakin and Obi-Wan. Friendship is a brilliant aspect of the show, and there are many that shine throughout its seven seasons.

There are a handful of excellent clone duos, Jedi Masters and Apprentices, romances, and just thrown together friends that are very enjoyable to watch. Kickass duos are prominent throughout Star Wars, and The Clone Wars has plenty of them.

10 Ahsoka Tano & Plo Koon

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

The Jedi Council may have had their issues as well as their unlikable characters, but Plo Koon was no such individual. One of the most underrated aspects of Ahsoka’s journey and transformation through Star Wars is her friendship with Master Plo.

There was such an evident and lovely care between the two every time they interacted. Seeing Plo meet a young Ahsoka was such a touching flashback. While the two are never seen kicking ass together, their personal greeting (“Koh-to-ya”), they share many a great moment in the show and they are an underappreciated yet rarely genuine Jedi friendship.

9 Captain Rex & Commander Cody

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

The brotherhood of clones not only provided audiences with a slew of amazing characters but also friendships and duos that would rival those of the Skywalker saga.

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Commander Cody and Captain Rex were one such duo. They are such leaders, such admirable and likable soldiers. Cody is arguably the best clone in live-action, Rex is arguably the best clone in animation, and paired together, they take apart clankers, accumulate admiration, and are a joy to watch.

8 Ahsoka Tano & Padmé Amidala

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

Padmé Amidala was one of the many prequel trilogy characters improved by The Clone Wars. The show highlights her incredible compassion, heart, intelligence, and independence, many qualities she shared with Ahsoka Tano.

Ahsoka and Padmé formed a fantastic friendship throughout the series. Padmé taught Ahsoka about the complexities of war, how it was not just as black and white as Republic-good-Separatists-bad. The two also kicked ass together when stuck in sticky situations like on Naboo with the poison gas, and eventually grew so close that Ahsoka kept her secret about Anakin, figuring it out on her own, displaying this in Forces of Destiny.

7 Fives & Echo

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

It is really a toss-up over who is the best clone duo and it often comes down to a fan’s personal preference. Rex and Cody are superb, Waxer and Boil are underrated, and then there is Echo and Fives, who are just excellent, yet separately, are tragic.

It is unknown how much of Fives’ fate Echo is aware of, but while they were both alive and fighting for the 501st, they were a fantastic pair. They fought in Domino Squad together, dealt with the droid invasion on the Rishi Moon (with help from Rex and Cody), and protected Kamino together, being promoted to ARC Troopers in the process. The fact both suffered such awful fates was heartbreaking. Echo was made into part-machine and lost all of his brothers, including Fives, whose death was devastating.

6 Anakin Skywalker & Padmé Amidala

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

Anakin and Padmé’s relationship was a heavily criticized aspect of the prequel trilogy, but in The Clone Wars, it became more than just an incredible score from John Williams and a catalyst for Anakin’s fall.

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In the show, the two are seen acting like a couple. They are shown genuinely loving one another. Anakin was upset about not being able to spend time with Padmé; Padmé was shown missing Anakin, the two even argued properly. Rush Clovis added a wrinkle to their romance when he got involved in the show, and fans even got to see how much war impacted the pair as they spent months apart. When they were together, they were a great pairing with chemistry and standout moments.

5 Maul & Savage Opress

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

The show did not just pair heroes well together. Villainous duos also got their time to shine. Dooku and Ventress, Dooku and Sidious, Ventress and Talzin, Maul and Pre Viszla, and others were all solid-to-great. Maul and Savage Opress were by far the best, though.

Opress may have gotten pulled out of the limelight with the return of Maul, but that was necessary given how important it was for fans to buy into his return. Together Maul and Savage were a menacing, ruthless pair who dominated. The Dathomirian brothers had awesome lightsaber battles with enemies, took over Mandalore together, created the beginning of a criminal empire, and they even had some sense of care for one another, with Maul clearly hurt by his brother’s death at the hands of Sidious.

4 Ahsoka Tano & Captain Rex

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

Without a doubt, the best relationship between a clone and non-clone, not just in The Clone Wars, but in Star Wars, is Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex, a pairing whose relationship grew so beautifully from The Clone Wars movie all the way to Rebels.

The two fight countless battles with one another, including the Siege of Mandalore, where Ahsoka saved Rex from his inhibitor chip. Anakin and Rex have a good relationship. Other Jedi like Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Depa Billaba, and others also had cared for and a bonded with commanding clones. Ahsoka and Rex, though, were special and one of the franchise’s best friendships.

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3 Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

Obi-Wan Kenobi is guaranteed to add to whatever piece of Star Wars he is in. He may be the franchise’s most consistent character quality-wise. The shock introduction of a love interest, Duchess Satine Kryze, did nothing to change that.

There may be some who do not love their romance, but that is an immensely unpopular opinion. These two had such chemistry with one another throughout The Clone Wars, and such a tragic story, especially with Satine’s death at the hands of Maul. When the two were involved in an episode, it was guaranteed to be great, and hopefully, they can be seen together in Star Wars again somehow.

2 Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars The 10 Best Duos From The Clone Wars

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker’s relationship was a standout aspect of the prequel trilogy, a crucial component of A New Hope, and a standout part of The Clone Wars as well.

Fans got to see what these two were like in the trenches together, how much care there was between them, and even how much Obi-Wan struggled to be a Jedi Master to Anakin sometimes. Anakin and Obi-Wan weren’t just friends, but brothers. They fought, they laughed, they kicked ass, and they may have cemented themselves as the best duo in all of Star Wars in The Clone Wars if they had not already.

1 Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano

Anakin Skywalker may be Star Wars’ most tragic character and Ahsoka Tano’s relationship with him is a big part of that. Throughout The Clone Wars, they proved themselves time and time again to be by far the show’s best duo.

Not only was their time together on the show filled with action, banter, and growth, but it was full of lessons for both characters as individuals and full of emotion Fans will never forget the image of Ahsoka leaving Anakin and the Jedi Order behind. They have the best brother/sister dynamic in the saga, even better than those characters who actually are brother and sister.

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