Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

Supernatural: 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

After a staggering fifteen seasons, is it any wonder that sometimes Supernatural let the little details slip past them?

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Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

It’s difficult to find any issues with the 15-season long CW favorite, Supernatural. From its brilliant acting performances to the continuously detailed makeup effects, there is so much more to this family monster-hunting show that became a TV addiction. The extremely complex yet strong relationship between the brothers, Sam and Dean, is the show’s main road that the impala rides on.

Family grew as the show’s focus, with all other smaller storylines following it. It’s no wonder why viewers fell in love with the characters and their morals. However, with every incredible show, there are always a few minor flaws that dedicated fans chose to dismiss.

10 The Impala’s License Plate Change

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

Yes, it’s normal for car owners to change their vehicle’s registration, therefore having their license plates changed. However, Dean wasn’t technically a resident of any state other than Kansas, until at least when they started living in the bunker after years of staying in random motels.

If fans look closely, they can see the first license plate was a Kansas one, then was suddenly changed to an Ohio plate. Some stick to the fact that this alteration could have been to throw law enforcement off their tracks when the brothers kept getting caught in unlucky situations in the earlier seasons. However, since the switch was made without a character outwardly saying something about it, it’s considered a slight oversight.

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9 John’s Aged Reappearance In Season 14

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

This could not have been more obvious. The John from Seasons 1 and 2 looks several years younger than the John fans saw in Season 14. If this John was written to have been magically lifted from the early 2000s, then his physicality should have matched what he used to look like, at least a little bit more than how he looked in the final cut.

While it’s not the fault of the show’s team, nor of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, for the actor looking his current age, this issue was still an oversight. Perhaps the actor could have used more makeup or different lighting to create a younger appearance because fans saw a very different John from the one they saw when Yellow Eyes killed him.

8 Castiel’s Unnecessary Car Rides

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

If an angel can teleport to other locations, then why was it absolutely necessary for Cas to either drive or take a ride in a car?

It’s understandable that Castiel’s relationship with the brothers grew and they, therefore, welcomed him as part of their family, but there were moments when Castiel could have used the good ol’ fashioned angelic teleportation to get from point A to B. Sitting in a car for hours was probably torturous for an angel when all of them are supposed to be accustomed to quick supernatural movements.

7 Castiel’s Powers Only Worked In Certain Times

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

Some fans later pointed out that Cas could have healed a couple more people, and yet he didn’t for some reason.

Granted, the favorite angel lost his powers and experienced a bunch of setbacks many times, but nevertheless, once his healing powers returned, it’s a mystery why he didn’t help out a few people that ended up dying. He wasn’t meant to save every single victim, but since Cas became more emotionally in-touch, he probably could have acted quickly and healed more people.

6 Michael & Lucifer’s Random In-Air Fight

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

When fans witnessed this truly hard-not-to-laugh-at scene, they were perplexed as to why production even thought that this would have been an appealing sight for viewers.

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When Dean heroically shows up with Michael half-possessing him (until he completely took over him), the action of charging at Lucifer, then fighting him in the air would then always look hilarious. Lucifer and Dean spinning around several feet in the air was a very random sight for Supernatural. Out of all the battles on the show, especially the one with Lucifer in the Season 5 finale, the flying fight was just a big mistake.

5 Sam’s Psychic Abilities Just Faded Out

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

Yes, Sam stopped exorcising demons with his mind a long time ago. Yes, it somewhat made sense because of how the boys had to deal with monsters that were way worse than demons later on. However, Sam’s initial psychic abilities were basically forgotten about.

Sam used to dream about people dying before it happened. While the Yellow-Eyed demon, Azazel, was just using him and the other “special” young adults, there wasn’t much of an explanation as to why and how Sam suddenly didn’t have any psychic abilities.

4 The Impala Should Have Been In Worse Condition

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

Despite how much Dean cleaned, tuned up, and pampered “Baby,” the car was still caught in some violent situations.

The Impala went through a lot, including getting crashed into, crashing into other things, dented, muddied, among other minor and major mishaps. Dean knew how to repair his car better than how to repair himself, but there’s no mistake in knowing how a car should still have scratches, dents, and marks from past unfortunate moments. The Impala usually looked like it was still in almost mint condition.

3 Young Sam & Dean Had Different Actors

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

This one was easier for fans to, not just ignore, but to understand. It’s not surprising to see different faces playing young Sam and Dean throughout the course of the 15 seasons, but for appearance reasons, the interchanging faces became confusing.

It was highly noticeable how different each teenage Sam and Dean looked when different actors would replace the last ones. Casting look-alikes is difficult, but some of the newer kids looked completely unrelated to the other former young Winchester boys. The exact actors could not have been recast every time to portray the 10 and 14-year-old brothers, being that they aged in real life. However, the future actors didn’t resemble the original young Winchesters as closely as they should have.

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2 Mary’s Age

Supernatural 10 Major Series Plot Holes That Fans Chose To Ignore

While it makes perfect sense why Mary looked very similar to how she used to right before she died, the age factor on the show was and still is interesting since she appeared to be the same age as her sons.

Once she came back, Mary’s facial features resembled the age bracket of Sam and Dean’s. Since Mary assumingly went to Heaven the first time she died, it would have been interesting if the show chose to bring her back more aged as a human being, or maybe revealed her aging quicker to catch up with the years she lost. While it didn’t make much sense for John to look older than he used to when he briefly returned, some fans questioned how age and resurrection worked in the show since Mary and John were brought back similarly, yet looking differently from each other.

1 Sam’s Contacts After He Left Stanford

It probably doesn’t sound like a flaw to some fans, but others wondered what Sam’s college friends thought of him when he technically just up and left Stanford.

Of course, no one else could have been told the truth about how Jessica was killed, but the show never fully explained how Sam managed to explain his departure to everyone he knew in school. Fans got a glimpse of a few of Sam’s friends in Season 1 when the boys first encountered a shapeshifter but didn’t anyone think it was odd how Sam just cut tied with everyone immediately after his beloved girlfriend died? This was certainly a flaw in the show because of how some of Dean’s former relationships, like with his first love, Cassie, were explained in greater detail than how Sam’s college friendships just faded away.

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