Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Teen Wolf: 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

The Teen Wolf characters dealt with a lot of villains, but could they deal with zombies? Who would you want on your team in a zombie apocalypse?

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Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

When it comes to a world populated by supernatural beings, it’s usually werewolves and vampires that see the most conflict. In the entire run of Teen Wolf, however, the werewolves never encountered any vampires. There’s all manner of shapeshifters, but never vampires. They also never encountered another staple of the horror genre: zombies.

Despite the lack of zombies in Teen Wolf, it’s not hard to imagine the cast of characters in the MTV series living in a world like that seen in The Walking Dead. A lot of the characters proved their abilities to survive in extreme circumstances, but not all of them would make for the best allies in a zombie apocalypse.

10 Want: Allison

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

She might not have the supernatural strength of a werewolf, but Teen Wolf’s Allison Argent could have come back as one and she has some serious survival skills. Many could be used to keep the larger community safe.

Not only is Allison light on her feet, but she has gymnastics and hunting training. To be fair, her hunting training is from her family targeting supernatural creatures, but it would be easy enough to apply that same knowledge to hunting for food or avoiding zombies. Allison would be a huge asset to a team trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

9 Don’t Want: Lydia

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Lydia is a genius, and if anyone would be capable of getting infrastructure back up and running again in the wake of a zombie-led shutdown, it would be Teen Wolf’s wise Lydia. The trouble is that Lydia’s built-in radar for death would likely disable her during a zombie apocalypse.

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Once Lydia’s banshee abilities started to manifest in the series, she found herself having nightmares and visions that made no sense to her. Any time a major death was on the horizon, she would essentially sleepwalk to her destination. This would be incredibly dangerous in a world full of zombies. If Lydia wasn’t aware of her surroundings or what was happening to her, she wouldn’t last long.

8 Want: Stiles

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Like Allison, Stiles is a human, not a supernatural creature. He also doesn’t exactly have Allison’s superior survival skills, so why would he make a good teammate? Stiles is almost as smart as Lydia, and he’s also incredibly pragmatic.

Stiles would be a Teen Wolf main character who could make the tough decisions in a zombie apocalypse, though he wouldn’t necessarily want to, just as he killed an enemy trying to kill him despite the anger it produced from his friends. He would know when to move on from a community and when to fight for it. His logical reasoning skills would likely save a lot of lives.

7 Don’t Want: Liam

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Liam might have the superior strength, reflexes, and endurance of a werewolf, but that doesn’t mean he’d necessarily be an asset to a group trying to survive an apocalypse, he’s also a bit too impulsive.

He’s quick to jump to conclusions and to anger, which would make him likely to completely ignore the wishes of his group. He’s also likely attempt to go off on his own to solve problems himself, which could lead to a missing werewolf or even larger danger for the group.

6 Want: Melissa

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Several of the characters in Teen Wolf are actually very medically knowledgable. Melissa McCall, however, has more medical knowledge than most under her belt. This is why she’s a must in a crumbling society plagued by zombies.

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Melissa has been working as a nurse, but she’s also perfectly capable of performing procedures emergency room doctors are supposed to be doing, as she proves when her son or his friends come to her for help. She also learns about the “magic” herbs that can be used on supernatural creatures, which means she’s equally capable when it comes to helping humans and supernatural beings. Melissa is also very wise outside of her medical expertise and has some of the best quotes in Teen Wolf, often giving Scott, Stiles, and Sheriff Stilinski advice. She’d be a big help.

5 Don’t Want: Erica

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Erica doesn’t stick around in Beacon Hills long. When she becomes a werewolf in the second season, she becomes enamored with the power, wanting to see just what she can do, and flaunting her new abilities in front of everyone.

Erica isn’t someone who thinks about what’s best for the group, putting herself first. In a zombie apocalypse, that’s a sure fire way to end up getting herself – and everyone around her – killed. While Erica certainly didn’t deserve the ending Teen Wolf gave her, she also would have to change quite a bit to contribute to the team in a zombie apocalypse.

4 Want: Scott

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Scott’s entire life changes when he ends up getting bit by a werewolf, but he uses the experience to make himself a better student, friend, and leader, which is why it’s pretty clear that he would make a great teammate during an apocalyptic event.

Even if he wasn’t a True Alpha with impressive strength and stamina, Scott is the kind of person who never gives up. No matter how bad things get for his friends, he’s always ready to find a way to keep fighting. His particular brand of optimism would keep everyone hoping for a better future.

3 Don’t Want: Peter

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Peter Hale is the Alpha who originally bites Scott. He wants all the power all of the time, and he definitely cannot be trusted, which is why it would be difficult to welcome him to a zombie apocalypse team-up and one of the reasons why he doesn’t rank as one of the best Alphas on Teen Wolf.

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Peter would probably see werewolves as the superior beings in a conflict with zombies, given how much he loves the power he has as a supernatural creature. This would likely mean he’d be using his bite to attempt to grow a pack in a zombie-riddled world, which could just lead to more chaos. He’d think there was more strength in numbers of werewolves, and end up with a bunch of Betas he couldn’t control.

2 Want: Malia

Teen Wolf 5 Characters We Want On Our Team In A Zombie Apocalypse (& 5 We Don’t)

Unlike other Teen Wolf characters, there are many hidden things about Malia that only superfans would know. She has already lived in a lawless land without infrastructure or safety. Of course, she did it as a coyote.

Malia is much more in tune with her superior senses than her pack members, a result of all that time spent as an animal. This would give her an edge in making sure there weren’t zombies in the vicinity. While her flight or fight instincts are very strong when she’s introduced, Malia learns to trust people, be a team player, and think about the good of the group very quickly. She would have no problem adjusting to life in a world of zombies.

1 Don’t Want: Theo

If there’s anyone less trustworthy than Peter, it’s Theo. Peter, at least, will give up his own life to keep his daughter safe. Theo’s first thought is for himself until the Skinwalkers make him feel enough guilt for leading his own sister to her death.

Theo simply wants to be special and he wants the power Scott has as an Alpha. He wants to be better than a regular werewolf and have the control of having a pack follow him. All of this adds up to someone who would put himself first in a zombie apocalypse and sacrifice a lot of people to get what he wants.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-characters-would-wouldnt-survive-zombie-apocalypse/

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