The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Though there are many relationships in The Lord of the Rings, only a few can be said to be the best friendships in the whole of the series.

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The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

The Lord of the Rings is without a doubt one of the most successful movie franchises of the last several decades, and also one of the best fantasy series. It combines epic storytelling with intimate drama, showing that the relationships that form between people are just as important as the existential struggles that form its central narrative.

The numerous characters that populate the cinematic Middle-earth form some extraordinary bonds with one another, and some of them even manage to transcend the normal boundaries that exist, between people of different classes and even different races.

10 Boromir, Merry, And Pippin

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Boromir is one of the movies’ most fascinating and morally complex characters (and the star of many Boromir memes), since alone of the Fellowship he gives in to the temptation to try to take the Ring from Frodo. Just as importantly, however, he also shows that he has a deep bond with Merry and Pippin. He begs Aragorn to give them a moment to grieve for the (presumed) death of Gandalf in Moria and, most importantly, he gives his life defending them when they are attacked by Orcs.

9 Treebeard, Merry, And Pippin

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

When Merry and Pippin flee into Fangorn Forest, all seems lost for them, but they are very lucky to encounter Treebeard, the Ent. Though he is initially hostile to them, he soon forges an extraordinary bond with the hobbits, taking them to his home deep in the forest and allowing them to accompany him once the Ents march to Isengard to take vengeance on the treacherous Saruman. The bond is all the more extraordinary considering that Treebeard has seen so many ages of the world pass by, while Merry and Pippin are very young.

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8 Eowyn And Merry

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

At first glance, it might seem unlikely that a princess of Rohan would become friends with a hobbit, but that’s exactly what happens once Merry and Eowyn form an alliance to accompany Theoden to Gondor (against his express wishes). Theirs is an extraordinary bond, emerging as it does out of their mutual desire to help their king and master in whatever they can.

Just as importantly, Merry’s friendship proves pivotal to Eowyn’s killing of the Witch-king (one of the series best villains), since he knifes him in the calf, thus rendering him vulnerable.

7 Gandalf And Elrond

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Gandalf and Elrond are two of the most powerful beings (and creatures) dwelling in Middle-earth, and they are also two of the people who know the most about Sauron and the threat that he poses to everyone who won’t do what he wants. As their conversation in Rivendell reveals, theirs is a bond based on mutual respect and understanding, and while they may not agree about everything–particularly when it comes to Men and their ability to fight back–it’s clear that they will always have one another’s backs in the conflict to come.

6 Gandalf And Frodo

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Unlike many of the other great powers in Middle-earth, Gandalf has a deep appreciation for the hobbits and their innate strength. In particular, he takes Frodo under his wing, and he understands that this little hobbit has the strength to take the Ring to Mordor and to see to its destruction. His friendship with Frodo is rich and deep, and it can be seen in everything from his commitment to helping him on his journey to his joy when Frodo awakens after the destruction of the Ring.

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5 Gandalf And Bilbo

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Years before he met Frodo, Gandalf met Bilbo and sent him off on an extraordinary journey, and it’s clear even in The Lord of the Rings that their friendship is deep and enduring. In fact, it is so deep and enduring–and clearly means so much to him–that he is willing to challenge his friend about the Ring, even knowing that it could endanger what they have. Fortunately, Bilbo realizes that Gandalf really is trying to help him, and so he is able to get away from the Shire and the poisonous influence of the One Ring.

4 Merry And Pippin

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Merry and Pippin endure so much during the course of the series, and there are many times when it’s their unbreakable bond that gives them the strength to carry on. Though they begin as rather innocent and happy-go-lucky characters, by the end they are standing in the field of battle, even knowing that they are about to give their lives so that Frodo can have the chance he needs to destroy the One Ring.

And, though they must say farewell to Frodo, it’s clear that their bond will endure into the future.

3 Aragorn And Legolas

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

Aragorn and Legolas are in some ways very similar, since both are the heirs to their thrones. What’s more, they clearly have a long and deep history, which leads to Legolas challenging Boromir at the Council of Elrond. However, Legolas repeatedly shows that he is very willing and able to challenge Aragorn when he thinks that he is not doing what he should be doing, such as when the latter agrees to stay at the Battle of Helm’s Deep, despite the fact that he knows they will almost certainly die (making this one of the nicest things Aragorn ever did). Fortunately, their friendship is such that Legolas respects his decision.

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2 Gimli And Legolas

The 10 Best Friendships In The Lord Of The Rings

One of the key truths of Middle-earth is that Dwarves and Elves do not get along; in fact, they are almost always enemies. This is what makes the friendship that springs up between Gimli and Legolas all the more extraordinary. They manage to see past their ancestral dislike of one another, becoming such deep friends that they even engage in a little bit of a friendly competition to see who can kill the most Orcs. And, as book readers know, they eventually went across the Sea together, the last of the Fellowship to depart.

1 Frodo And Sam

There’s no question that Frodo and Sam are the best friendship in the entire trilogy. From the beginning until the end, they know that they can count on one another to see this fraught journey through to the end. Whether it’s Sam carrying Frodo up Mount Doom or saving him from Cirith Ungol, theirs is a bond that will never be broken. And, when Frodo at last sets sail from the Grey Havens, it’s clear just how much of a toll the loss of his friend takes on Sam, whose heart breaks at seeing him sail away.

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