The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

From classics like Zodiac and The Prestige to newcomers like Secret Obsession, Netflix features plenty of incredible psychological thrillers.

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The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Netflix has movies for everybody from all genres, and that includes psychological thrillers. These movies will have audiences in suspense throughout, guessing what will happen next, and increasing the tension with each passing scene. These types of movies are always intense, mainly because of the unknown elements and the mystery that often surrounds them.

Netflix has a great range of psychological thrillers for those movie fans who really like to try and break things down and work out what could be happening next, with different twists taking place on a regular basis. But out of all the options available, what are the greatest psychological thrillers on the streaming platform?

10 Secret Obsession (2019)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Secret Obsession is a terrific thriller that will have people questioning what is truly taking place in reality. Here, Jennifer wakes up following an accident and no longer has any memory of her life before that point, but throughout the movie, she begins to piece things together.

When she wakes up, a man claims to be her husband at her bedside, and Jennifer has to determine if that is reality and if the danger that she faced prior to that point is still a threat or not.

9 Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Law Abiding Citizen is essentially a great game of cat and mouse, and it’s a lot of fun to see it play out. On one hand, there is Clyde Shelton whose only focus is to kill those who murdered his family, while the flipside is DA Nick Rice, who is the man that couldn’t put away the person responsible for those murders for a long enough time.

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Clyde is out for revenge against the system, and he smartly plots and plans his way throughout the movie in order to try to get what he wants. Audiences are left to guess what extreme he will go to next in order to achieve his goals, in a thrilling and intense movie.

8 Red Dragon (2002)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

While this movie isn’t quite as strong as Silence Of The Lambs, there’s no denying that it is still a great psychological thriller. Once again, Hannibal Lecter’s help is needed in the hopes of catching a serial killer, but the movie cleverly shows the man who believes himself to be the Red Dragon throughout the movie as well.

Showing both sides of the coin makes for a great thrill, as it’s not so much the guessing game of who is behind the murders, it is a question of who is going to survive, and when will each character begin to work things out.

7 Zodiac (2007)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Because Zodiac is based on true events, it is a movie that is easy to leap into and take seriously, which instantly makes it exciting to watch. The acting throughout is superb as the story focuses on Robert Graysmith, who is a cartoonist that becomes obsessed with working out who the true Zodiac killer is.

He uses his ability to problem solve and work out puzzles to help try and piece the clues together to get to the bottom of things. It’s a movie that will engage its audience, who try to guess things along with the characters, which makes for an intense viewing experience.

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6 The Prestige (2006)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Who would have thought a movie about two magicians trying to one-up each other could be so intense and thrilling? Well, that’s exactly what The Prestige is all about, with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale bringing amazing performances to the movie as the magicians who are fierce rivals.

Directed by Christoper Nolan, this movie utilizes the magic to pull off extreme stunts and tricks, but it is the mind games where this one truly comes alive. The clever dialogue and the manner in which the two characters trick and torment the other is what makes this such a great psychological movie.

5 Seven (1995)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

With Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt as the two lead actors, everyone knows the quality will be high, and thankfully the story backs up the acting. The two men play detectives who are desperately trying to catch a serial killer who leaves clues behind about their actions.

They follow the seven deadly sins, which is something that the detectives have to work out. The movie has mind games and allows viewers to try to guess what is happening, while the two detectives have their own personal lives to deal with too.

4 Bird Box (2018)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Bird Box relies on elements of horror to really engage its audience, creating a daunting and scary experience. In a post-apocalyptic world, one family has to try and seek a refuge zone to save their lives. However, if they set eyes onto the mysterious entity, it will take their lives.

Because of that, the journey is one that has to be done blindly, which is what brings the psychological aspect to the forefront. The characters have to rely on their other senses in a moment of panic to try and survive.

3 A Quiet Place (2018)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

A Quiet Place is another psychological thriller that plays on horror tropes, and similarly to Bird Box, it uses one of the senses to provide the thrill and fear. While Bird Box takes away sight, this movie takes away sound, and because everyone can appreciate and understand that, it makes it easy to relate to.

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Here, the Abbott family lives out on their own in a world where making any slight sound can cost their lives, with deadly alien creatures roaming around. They communicate a lot through sign language, and it means that any noise creates an intense atmosphere, unlike any other movie, which is especially intense considering Evelyn Abbott is pregnant.

2 Prisoners (2013)

The 10 Best Psychological Thriller Movies On Netflix

Prisoners is a movie that instantly drags its audience on an emotional level due to the fact that the movie is all about someone’s daughter going missing. Hugh Jackman (who is superb throughout), plays Keller, who will simply stop at nothing to find his child.

Refusing to just leave things to the police, he sets off on his own investigation, and he takes matters to the absolute extreme, including torturing someone who he believes has the answers. He drives himself crazy trying to think of solutions as time begins to run out in what is a gripping movie.

1 Shutter Island (2010)

Shutter Island is a stunning movie that really does have audiences thinking on their feet, with different clues providing more hints as to what is truly happening on the island. An investigation takes place on the island, which houses a hospital for those deemed to be criminally insane, with one of the patients having gone missing.

However, there is much more going on than meets the eye in this movie, with Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Teddy, learning a lot more than he expects. With a terrific cast including Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley and the direction of Martin Scorsese, there’s a lot to love about this fantastic movie.

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