The Mandalorian Can Properly Finish Star Wars Rebels Story

The Mandalorian Can Properly Finish Star Wars Rebels’ Story

With Ahsoka set to appear in The Mandalorian season 2, the Disney+ Star Wars series has the opportunity to properly finish Star Wars Rebels’ story.

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The Mandalorian Can Properly Finish Star Wars Rebels Story

The Mandalorian season 2 can properly wrap up Star Wars Rebels’ story, particularly deliver on the characters’ final mission. Taking place right before the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and followed a small band of rebels who crewed the Ghost, the Disney XD animated series ended its four-year-run in 2018. Now, with Ahsoka’s impending introduction in The Mandalorian season 2, Lucasfilm has the chance to build on some plotlines that were left when it went off the air.

Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, and Ezra maintained a small operation – providing help to those who were most affected by the Empire’s evil reign in and around Lothal. However, they were pivotal in the birth of the Rebellion audiences saw in the original Star Wars trilogy. Throughout Star Wars Rebels’ run, the Ghost crew worked with some notable members of the Freedom Fighter organization like Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi. The team also found themselves going up against big name villains such as Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Grand Admiral Thrawn. Rebels did a great job offering fans a different perspective in the ongoing struggle against Emperor Palpatine and his army – and it ended in such a way that fans were excited to see where they went after the Empire was defeated.

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The Ghost crew ultimately beat Grand Admiral Thrawn at the end of the series – although it didn’t come without any sacrifices. After Kanan’s devastating death a couple of episodes prior to the finale, the team suffered another major loss after Ezra sacrificed himself to ensure that Lothal was safe. He opted to stay with Grand Admiral Thrawn as the Purrgil jumped to hyperspace with the villain’s ship. While Rebels’ main story took place years before the events of A New Hope, its final sequence took place years after the Battle of Endor, meaning the battle against the Empire was already won. There, viewers saw Hera and Jacen – her and Kanan’s son. Meanwhile Sabine continued to worry about Ezra’s whereabouts. So, she teamed up with Ahsoka to go to the Unknown regions in the hopes of locating the missing Jedi. And now, The Mandalorian can reveal what happened after the two of them embarked on that mission.

Star Wars Rebels creator Dave Filoni confirmed that Ezra and Thrawn survived their jump to hyperspace. Assuming that nothing bad happened to them since the last time audiences saw them, it’s safe to assume that Ahsoka and Sabine have a good chance of finding them both. Depending on the progress of their search mission, by the time Ahsoka crosses paths with Mando, she would’ve already discovered Ezra’s fate. It’s worth noting that Sabine and Ezra have yet to be confirmed to appear in The Mandalorian season 2, meaning it’s possible that Mando and Baby Yoda might only encounter Ahsoka. If she’s no longer with Sabine, that poses some questions with regards to the result of their endeavor – something that she might share in her upcoming guest appearance.

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At this point, no one knows the extent of Ahsoka’s involvement in The Mandalorian season 2. While she’s reportedly not going to be a series regular, her encounter with Mando can tremendously help in his quest to potentially reunite Baby Yoda with his people. Given the former Jedi’s ability with the Force, she can also shed some light on Baby Yoda’s Force powers – something that Mando doesn’t seem to have that much knowledge about. However, for fans of Star Wars Rebels, this is Lucasfilm’s opportunity to answer lingering questions leftover by the show’s finale. Otherwise, it’s also possible that this could function as a springboard for future projects that center on these fan-favorite characters.

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