The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

How do the personalities of the characters in The Office align with those in Friends?

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The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

The Office and Friends are undoubtedly two of the most widely-known sitcom shows in the world. They both contain similar themes of comedy, relationships, and drama. As such, fans have often imagined the congregation of the two shows and imagined how the characters would interact together.

The Office characters all have some comparable traits to Friends’ main characters, whether they are their passions, personalities, or lifestyles. In particular, ten have especially strong correlations to certain Friends characters.

10 Creed – Mr. Heckles

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

These characters were very mysterious, quiet individuals who no one really knew the whole truth about. They said random, bizarre things that usually confused those around them and hardly ever believed.

Mr. Heckles, although his time on the show was not long, was a mysterious character who was notorious for asking the friends to keep it down in their apartment. Still, he also said many strange things that no one was sure were serious, like when he told them Paolo’s cat was his even though it wasn’t. The character Creed from The Office very much had the same reputation for making bizarre allegations and telling extreme stories that left everyone confused and a little creeped out.

9 Jan – Janice

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Jan and Janice are similar, not just because of their names, but because they both were ex-girlfriends that couldn’t seem to let it go. They both proved they were determined, hard-headed women who also had obnoxious, obsessive personalities.

Jan and Janice were both disliked, notorious characters in their shows. Much like Janice’s way of roping Chandler into a relationship, Jan manipulated Michael into staying in their relationship for as long as possible and even showed up out of the blue several times. Both Characters showed they knew what they wanted and found ways to make it happen. Despite being a little erratic, they both were pretty intelligent women that became mothers.

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8 Kevin – Frank

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Kevin and Frank were immature, child-like characters who were not the brightest bulbs in the bunch. They often made inappropriate decisions and comments and needed a little guidance.

Kevin was known for being the “not-so smart” individual of The Office, who often made childish, inappropriate jokes or comments. Much like Kevin, Phoebe’s brother, Frank, was also an air-headed character who came across as a little immature. When Phoebe allows him to get a massage at her work, he mistakes the masseuse as a hooker. He later has a relationship with a much older woman and thinks nothing of it. Frank’s choices and inappropriate responses to things are all very Kevin-like, proving they would make the perfect counterparts to each other.

7 Toby – Gunther

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

The two most misunderstood characters of their series are Toby and Gunther. They both happened to be awkward individuals even though they do everything they can to be likable and fit in with everyone around them.

No matter what they do, Toby and Gunther come across as very quiet and awkward characters. Although they seemed like brilliant and productive characters, they often went underappreciated. Much like Gunther constantly trying to get Rachel to notice him, Toby always had a crush on Pam behind the scenes. Their love was always unrequited, and they often were used as the brunt of a joke.

6 Erin – Phoebe

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Erin shared a lot of similar traits to Phoebe from Friends. Despite having rough childhoods, they both had bubbly personalities and a child-like naivete. Even though they appeared to be the most friendly individual in the group, they had tricks up their sleeves that only came out when really warranted.

Phoebe and Erin both had rough childhoods that meant they were on their own and had to take care of themselves. Similarly, even though they had hard times, they both managed to be the most fun-loving and outgoing characters in their shows. It also means they knew how to take care of most situations and weren’t afraid to get dirty doing it. They were some of the most loyal friends that would be there on the dime to help out.

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5 Jim – Chandler

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Jim showed some personality traits that aligned with Chandler from Friends. They both appeared very put-together and serious individuals but actually were witty and enjoyed playing jokes on their friends.

Jim and Chandler are both characters who held themselves as mature, business-like individuals, but were are actually sarcastic, witty, and enjoyed playing a good prank on their friends. Deep down, they both had soft, romantic sides that were hidden away that did pop up once in a while. Although not given much of a chance, both made good leaders and were usually able to help their friends out of tough situations.

4 Andy – Joey

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Andy and Joey were both underrated actors that often came across arrogant but had a lot of insecurities. They had similar air-headed and naive tendencies but were brother-like companions to their friends.

Much like how Joey always tried to get his friends to come to his acting events, Andy constantly tried to convince people to go to his musical theater shows that were often disliked and boring. Both characters were easily mistaken as too over-the-top and narcissistic but really had plenty of insecurities they were trying to hide. Still, when it really came down to it, they made pretty good leaders and were very brotherly to their friends whenever they needed them.

3 Kelly – Rachel

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Kelly and Rachel shared a lot of similar personality traits and passions throughout their series. They both are confident and outspoken women who share a love for fashion and the entertainment world. Although they often came across as snarky and conceited, they had insecurities and soft sides.

Although Kelly and Rachel both had moments of ditziness, they were both passionate and driven characters. Like Rachel, Kelly appreciated fashion and the entertainment industry above all things. There was even a time when Kelly tried to help Pam with her outfits, something Rachel would do for friends a lot. Rachel could sometimes come across as a little bratty, which is another trait that Kelly shared with her, as she was notorious for complaining about work and whining when she didn’t get her way.

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2 Pam – Monica

The Office Characters & Their Friends Counterparts

Pam and Monica similarly were the motherly hens of their groups. They both were responsible, hard-working characters who came across as a little bossy when it came to something they were passionate about.

Both characters are passionate about their art, Pam with her drawing and Monica with her cooking. Although both came across as shy and insecure characters, they were assertive when they needed to be and didn’t like to be underappreciated or underestimated. Much like Monica taking on the act of mother to the friends, Pam was very much the office’s mother. She was responsible and got work done but could still have fun with it and get in on the jokes when warranted.

1 Dwight – Ross

It may seem like an odd comparison, but Dwight and Ross actually share a lot of similar traits. Both are under-appreciated for their vast knowledge of very random and “nerdy” subjects and, although picked on for their methods, are actually very good at their jobs.

Dwight was always made fun of for being very spasmodic and often had long, random tangents about subjects that no one really cared to hear about. Similarly, Ross was always picked on for his passions and nerdiness and had a lot of odd talents. Their similarities are most well seen when Ross tried to teach his friends about “Unagi.” He claimed he knew this special martial art move that would protect the girls from possible predators, which seems like something Dwight might do for the females at the office.

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