The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

While Damon and Elena may be known for their turbulent relationship in The Vampire Diaries, sometimes the smaller moments are just as powerful.

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The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Damon and Elena have one of the most dramatic relationships in The Vampire Diaries. After initially hating Damon, Elena grows to return his romantic feelings over time – despite dating his brother. Even once the love triangle is over, break-ups, memory loss, and even a sleeping curse continue to pose obstacles.

These storylines might provide the most epic, memorable scenes, but that isn’t all there is to Damon and Elena’s relationship. Their quieter, smaller moments are proof that they’re made for each other – the drama is just what happens in between.

Damon And Elena Talk To Jeremy’s Principal

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Even after Elena voluntarily erases him from her memories, she’s still drawn to Damon. Dating once again, she recruits him to help her deal with Jeremy’s schooling – meeting his principal to try to convince him that he finish high school sooner than planned. When that fails, Damon compels him, while Elena rolls her eyes.

None of this scene is focused on their relationship, but it’s still a heartwarming moment. Technically, they’ve only just started dating (at least from Elena’s perspective) yet they already act like a married couple.

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Damon Keeps Elena Company Outside Stefan’s Cell

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Back in season 1, Elena and Damon’s friendship is new, and tense at times. When Stefan falls back into his Ripper ways, they come up with a plan to dry him out in the Salvatore cellar. Elena refuses to leave him – and, much to her surprise, Damon sits down next to her to keep her company.

It might be difficult for other characters to get what Elena sees in Damon. Gestures like these make their bond much easier to understand. Damon can be thoughtful and kind – but unlike Stefan, he shows it rather than says it.

Phone Calls While Infected With Ripper Virus

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Of all the obstacles that come between Damon and Elena, the Ripper Virus is one of the most frustrating. Just as Katherine is ousted from possessing her body, Elena is injected with the same virus as Damon – one that makes them thirsty for other vampire blood.

Because of this, they can’t reunite in person. Instead, they talk over the phone, with Damon promising Elena the “most mindblowing night” of her life once they’re cured. It’s rare to just see them flirting, and proves how in love they really are.

Elena Watches Damon Flirting

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

In early season 3, Damon and Elena grow even closer in Stefan’s absence. However, they still plan on capturing him to bring him home, which is why Damon flirts with Rebekah as a distraction at the bonfire.

Elena looks on the entire time, growing visibly annoyed. By this point, it’s obvious to everyone – the characters and audience alike – that Elena is growing deep feelings for Damon. But this is the first time she’s ever shown as jealous, marking a very clear shift in their dynamic.

Dancing At The 60s Decade Dance

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Damon and Elena spend most of season 2 rebuilding their friendship. By the time Klaus arrives in Mystic Falls, they’re in a much better place – as shown at the 60s decade dance.

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When Stefan rushes off, Elena is left with Damon for company. She’s absolutely terrified of the threat Klaus poses to her friends and loved ones, but Damon still manages to make her laugh with a dance. Even when they’re not together, he’s the one who makes her happiest.

A Kiss Before Chasing After Silas And Katherine

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Just because Damon and Elena are together in season 5, doesn’t mean the universe is willing to give them a break. Silas is free and trying to capture Katherine, while Damon and Elena try to intervene.

In the midst of the drama, Damon pulls Elena aside to warn her to get out if things get dangerous, reminding her that Katherine is “not worth the hair on your head” and asking her to kiss him. It’s quick and sweet, but most importantly shows how much Damon has grown in their relationship. Once upon a time, his reaction to Elena diving into danger would’ve been much less measured.

Elena Leaves For College

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

After finally getting together at the end of season 4, Damon and Elena spend several months having the summer of their lives. But in the season 5 premiere, it’s time for them to temporarily say goodbye as Elena heads off to college.

Like any other high-school couple, they’re obviously worried about saying goodbye. The pair kiss, with Elena popping her head back around the door for a bonus kiss before she leaves for good. It’s refreshing to see them stress about something so regular, proving that Damon and Elena really can be a normal couple when supernatural obstacles aren’t getting in the way.

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Damon Helps Elena Make Chili

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

Even when Damon and Elena aren’t together, they act like they are. One scene in early season 3 sees Damon step in to help Elena make the Gilbert family chili recipe for the Lockwood party. They’re extremely flirtatious, playfully shoving each other as they get to work while a confused Alaric watches.

What with all the death and drama, this playful element of their relationship doesn’t get much screentime. It’s rare to see Elena this happy – and considering it’s Damon who makes her this way, it’s an early sign of how good they’ll eventually be together.

Cuddling On The Couch

The Vampire Diaries 10 Most Underrated Damon & Elena Moments

‘Calm’ is a word rarely used to describe anything in The Vampire Diaries – especially Damon and Elena’s relationship. In season 5, however, they get a moment of solace in the Salvatore Boarding House, cuddling on the couch.

Damon notes that this is something they rarely get to do and that they’re sure to be interrupted soon enough (which, of course, they are). It does show a softer side to their relationship though that fans rarely get to see.

Elena Asks Damon Where He Was

One of the many things that turn the tides of the love triangle in Damon’s direction is that he’s always there for Elena. Even when he falls off the deep end, Damon puts Elena first, unlike Stefan, who easily gets wrapped up in the Ripper lifestyle.

Elena knows this – as is made clear by this season 3 scene after a terrifying incident where Damon wasn’t there to save her. Her quiet question of “Where were you, Damon?” is heartbreaking, and highlights just how much she trusts and relies on him. Considering the fact they’re not even together at this point, it speaks volumes to the depth of their connection.

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