This Creepy Puppet Is A Streamer (And Were Terrified)

This Creepy Puppet Is A Streamer (And We’re Terrified)

This puppet is horrifying, but then again, that might be the point.

You Are Reading :This Creepy Puppet Is A Streamer (And Were Terrified)

This puppet is horrifying, but then again, that might be the point.

We’d like you to introduce you to Kyle Bloodcurdle. He’s a puppet who has his own channel over on Twitch. And he’s terrifying. It’s not so much what he says or what he does, but mostly how he looks.

You see, Kyle has a rictus smile so wide that it can only be described as monstrous. He’s also got enormous, unblinking eyes that seem to stare into your soul and find every tiny sin ever committed.

Because the puppeteer is required to be shrouded in complete darkness in order for the whole ensemble to come together, Kyle is always front-lit in an unnerving way that makes it all seem like a live-action Five Nights at Freddy’s film. Which, again, might be the point.

Kyle only has 1,750 followers on Twitch (so far), but that number is going up every day. His shows are two hours long, and because his audience is so small, it’s mostly just him interacting with the chat and answering questions.

The current overall theme is to raise funds so he can head to HorrorHound Weekend, an annual horror convention that takes place in Cincinnati, Ohio. It runs from March 20 to 22, with children under 12 getting free admission. This sort of makes it clear that no real eviscerations will take place at this horror convention, but it’s sure to be plenty spooky even without the gratuitous violence.

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After all, this guy is just a puppet and he’s plenty horrifying.

Kyle has a problem though. He’s got about 6 weeks to raise $1,000 in order to attend HorrorHound Weekend. He’s asking his viewers for donations so that he can take his scary wooden keister to Ohio, where he’ll continue to operate as the most terrifying puppet we’ve ever seen.

Also, despite the Stewie-like voice, Kyle insists he does not sound like Stewie. You can find answers to other frequently asked questions over on Kyle’s Twitch channel.

Source: Livestreamfails

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