Thunderbolts Movie Can Complete General Ross Red Hulk Transformation

Thunderbolts Movie Can Complete General Ross’ Red Hulk Transformation

The MCU has yet to make General Ross into Red Hulk, but the rumored Thunderbolts movie can finally complete that villain transformation.

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Thunderbolts Movie Can Complete General Ross Red Hulk Transformation

Marvel’s Thunderbolts movie can complete General Ross’ Red Hulk transformation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The team of reformed villains has long been rumored to join the shared universe and headline their own project. Rumors indicate Thunderbolts is becoming a movie in Phase 5, leading to increased speculation about which Marvel villains will be part of the lineup. William Hurt’s General Thunderbolt Ross is a top contender, as this could be a place for his Red Hulk transformation to happen.

Fans of the comics have been waiting to see Ross become Red Hulk ever since he joined the MCU in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. The lack of a sequel made any such hope seem far-fetched for a while, as Hurt didn’t return as Ross until Captain America: Civil War. He became a more regular part of the MCU story since then, but his story hasn’t even come close to including a Red Hulk transformation. Instead, Ross has been positioned as a villain for the MCU Avengers. His disdain for people with power he can’t control has continued to grow and could result in him finally acquiring some superpowers of his own in Thunderbolts.

Even though the characters appearing in Thunderbolts has yet to be confirmed, it would make sense for Ross to join the likes of Baron Zemo, U.S. Agent, and others as the initial members of the Thunderbolts. Ross’ place with the team could be as simple as being the government liaison in charge of the operation, but this is also the perfect opportunity for his Red Hulk transformation to finally occur. It would give Ross the power he so desperately craves and the chance to show what he can do with it. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier teased other versions of super soldier serums could exist too, so Marvel Studios might already be planting the seeds for how he undergoes this massive change.

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Red Hulk’s place among the MCU’s Thunderbolts team would make plenty of sense. He’s not as synonymous with the team that Baron Zemo originally formed many years ago, but Ross did lead his own version of the team eventually. This happened after the Phoenix War and saw Red Hulk lead a group consisting of Elektra, Punisher, Venom, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Mercy, and The Leader. Now that Thunderbolts is reportedly making progress, a version of this team could be the one that forms in the MCU. It wouldn’t even be too surprising if Marvel altered the origin of the Thunderbolts team name and had that come from Ross’ involvement.

Marvel could wait to include Ross’ Red Hulk transformation for Thunderbolts, but Phase 4 can also continue teasing that evolution. His brief appearance in Black Widow made reference to a second bypass surgery and Ross’ dwindling health. His condition could be what pushes Ross for cures beyond normal modern medicine. There’s even the chance Ross knows his time is limited, and even though becoming Red Hulk won’t save his life, it gives him the opportunity to do more with what limited time he has left. With Ross expected to appear in She-Hulk, the Disney+ show could push him closer to Red Hulk’s form ahead of Thunderbolts.

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